Has Saint Faustina’s prophecy come true?

Source Fr. Livio’s Blog

Dear and Dear Father Livio, something happened to me yesterday as I was preparing to begin the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. I always keep the Diary of Saint Faustina Kowalska with me. And I read some words said by Jesus to her after reciting it. The page opened to me where Jesus says to her:

“I love Poland in a particular way and, if it obeys my will, I will raise it in power and holiness, from it will come the spark that will prepare the world for My final coming.”

Now Dear Father Livio, you are making some careful reflections on 1917 and the third secret of Fatima which has not yet been completely fulfilled, I have always seen the person of the Holy Pope Wojtyla in this sentence of Jesus to St. Faustina… but now like a sort of light, I told myself that all this has not happened I think… in all humility.

What do you think? It makes you think a lot.

Thank you for everything you do for the people who follow you and for those who will follow you, you are like a lighthouse for all of us.

Much respect and affection. Rita

Dear Rita,

Making discernment about the prophecies is not easy because the future seen from Heaven does not coincide with the temporal succession that exists here on earth.

Having said this, I believe that this revelation of Jesus to Saint Faustina can largely be referred to the Pontificate of Saint John Paul II which, in my opinion, had a decidedly apocalyptic perspective, in the sense that the Apocalypse has in the Christian Creed.

His 25 years on the Chair of Peter were a long preparation for the critical moment that the world and the Church are experiencing now.

We have entered the final phase of history, the time of the Apocalypse, which will end, when God wants, with the coming of Christ in glory.

After the first eschatological battle, which we are entering, we will have a time of peace thanks to the triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Then we will have Satan’s last attack on the work of Creation and Redemption, which will end with the triumph of Christ, the Resurrection of the dead, the Last Judgment and the new Heavens and the new Earth.

The Polish Pope grasped, as Saint Paul VI had already understood, the specific moment of the time in which we live, which is precisely that of the Apocalypse and, in particular, the extraordinary meaning of the apparitions of Mary in Medjugorje, the Woman dressed in sun, crowned with twelve stars.

In this sense it seems to me that the prophecy of St. Faustina applies perfectly to the person and mission of this extraordinary Pontiff, whose influence on the destinies of the world and of the Church remains indelible.

Ave Maria

Father Livio