If you are experiencing a moment of great suffering, these words of Padre Pio will help you a lot



The most well spent time is that which is spent in the sanctification of the soul of others.

Time spent for the glory of God and for the health of the soul is never badly spent.

Or how beautiful is the face of our sweetest Spouse Jesus! Or how sweet are His eyes! Or what happiness is to be near Him in the mountain of His glory!

There we must place our desires, our affections, not in creatures, in which there is no beauty, or if it is there, it descends from above.

Do not strain yourself around things that generate solicitude, perturbations and troubles. One thing is necessary: ​​to raise the spirit and to love God.

God charity – love – grace Providence

The pivot of perfection is charity: he who lives on charity lives in God, because God is charity, as the Apostle said.

To lack charity is like hurting God in the pupil of His eye. What is more delicate than the pupil of the eye?

Lack of charity is like lacking in nature.

Who offends charity offends the pupil of the eye of God.

Charity that has no basis for truth and justice is culpable charity.

Divine goodness not only does not reject repented souls, but also seeks obstinate souls.

The Heart of our Divine Master has no more amiable law than that of sweetness, humility and charity …

Often place your confidence in Divine Providence, and be assured that heaven and earth will soon pass away that the Lord will fail to protect you.

Charity is the queen of virtues. As the pearls are held together by the thread, so are the virtues of charity. And as if the thread breaks, pearls fall, so if charity fails, the virtues are dispersed.

Beneficence from whatever part it comes from is always the daughter of the same mother, that is, providence.

Are we sufficient to form a holy desire without grace? Of course not. This is taught by faith.

If in a soul there is nothing but the desire to love his God, there is already everything, because God is not where the desire of his love is.

I know that no soul can love his God worthily, but when this soul does all it can on its part and trusts in Divine Mercy, why does Jesus have to reject this spirit? Did He not command us to love God according to our strength? So if you have given and consecrated you have everything to God, why fear? Perhaps because you can not do more? But Jesus does not require, he does not want the impossible! And besides you say to our good God that he himself do what you can not do and will remain very happy with you, say to Jesus: Do you want more love from us? I do not have any more. Give it to me again and I will offer it to you! Do not doubt, Jesus will accept the offer, stay calm.

You struggle to seek the highest good: but in truth it is within you and keeps you lying on the naked Cross, breathing strength to support unsustainable martyrdom and, again, to bitterly love Love.

The evils are children of the guilt, of the betrayal that man has perpetrated towards God … But the mercy of God is great … One single act of love of man towards God has so much value in his eyes that he would estimate very little the repay it with the gift of all creation … Love is nothing but the spark of God in men … the very essence of God embodied in the Holy Spirit … We poor creatures, we should devote to God all the love we are capable of … Our love, to be adequate to God, should be infinite, but unfortunately only God is infinite …

However, we must use all our energies in love, so that the Lord may one day tell us: I was thirsty and you quenched me; I was hungry and you fed me; I suffered and you consoled me …

God can reject everything in a creature conceived in sin and bears the indelible imprint inherited from Adam, but he can not absolutely reject the sincere desire to love Him.

Humility and love go hand in hand. One glorifies and the other sanctifies.

Humility and charity are the master chords, all the others are dependent on them: one is the lowest, the other the highest: the preservation of the whole building depends on the foundation and the roof.

If you keep the heart addressed in the exercise of these, then you will not encounter difficulties in others. These are the mothers of the virtues, those follow them as do the chicks with their mothers.

Tell me and always to the sweet Lord: I want to live by dying, so that death may come from life that does not die and help life to resurrect the dead.

Instead, you must humble yourself before God, or rather, lower yourself in spirit, if He will save the sufferings of His Son and want to make you experience your weakness: you must elevate to Him the prayer of resignation and hope, even if you fall for frailty, and thank Him for the many benefits you are getting rich.

Kiss often with affection Jesus and reward Him for the sacrilegious kiss of the treacherous apostle: Judas.

Proceed to advance in love: enlarge your heart with confidence to the divine charisms that the Holy Spirit is intent on pouring into it …

If we want to collect it is necessary not so much to sow a lot, how to spread the seed in a good field, and when this seed becomes plant, we care very much to watch that the weeds do not suffocate the tender seedlings.

Have not you loved the Lord for a long time? Do not you love him still? Do not you long to love Him forever?

Therefore no fear.

Even if you had committed all the sins of this world, Jesus repeats to you: many sins are forgiven because you have loved a lot.

You suffer, it is true, but with resignation and not to fear because God is with you; you do not offend Him, but love Him: you suffer, but you also believe that Jesus himself suffers in you and for you.

Jesus did not abandon you when you escaped from him; much less will abandon you now that you want to love Him.

The humility and purity of the costumes are wings that raise up to God and almost divinize us. Remember: it is closer to God the evildoer who is ashamed to work the evil that the honest man who blushes to do good.

You must always have prudence and love. Prudence has eyes, love legs. The love that has the legs would like to run to God, but his impulse to rush towards him is blind, and sometimes he might stumble if he were not guided by the prudence of his eyes.

Prudence, when he sees that love could be unbridled, lends his eyes. In this way love holds back and, guided by prudence, acts as it should and not as it would like.

The sublime degree of humility is not only recognizing one’s own abjection, but loving it. I have chosen, says the prophet, to be abject in the house of God, rather than dwell in the tabernacles of sinners.

Too much talking is never without sin.

We must know how to trust: there is the fear of God and the fear of Judas.

Saint- Padre Pio 2

Too much fear makes us operate without love and too much confidence does not make us consider the danger we must overcome.

One must give his hand to the other and proceed as sisters.

So we must always do, because if we realize that we are afraid or fear too much, then we must resort to confidence, if we trust excessively, we must instead have a little ‘fear, because love tends to the beloved object, but in the advance he is blind, he does not see, but the holy fear enlightens him.

No one is a judge in his own right.

In the tumult of passions and adverse events, we sustain the dear hope of His inexhaustible mercy: let us run trustfully to the tribunal of penitence, where he eagerly awaits us at every moment and, even though aware of our insolvency before him, we do not doubt I solemnly forgive about our mistakes. Let us place upon them, as the Lord has put it, a sepulchral stone.

The gates of Paradise are open to all creatures: remember Mary of Magdala.

The mercy of the Lord, son, is infinitely greater than your malice.

Whoever says he loves God and can not hold his tongue, his religion is vain.

God does not work miracles where there is no faith.

Let’s shake, because indolence is eaten all, yes, indolence is completely eaten.

Seek, yes, loneliness, but with the next do not lack charity

God only uses himself, when he serves himself as He wants.

You must strive to give pleasure to God alone, and glad He, happy all.

The joy of the Divine Spirit informs your hearts and that of all the souls who want to be faithful to His grace.

Therefore you are still calm on the existence of divine charity in your hearts. And if this your craving is not satiated, if it seems to you to always desire without reaching perfect love, all this means that you must never say enough, it means that we can not and must not stop on the path of divine love and of holy perfection. Do you know that perfect love will acquire itself when you possess the object of this love, so why so many unnecessary anxiety and despondency? Always crave and crave with greater confidence and do not fear.