It’s Already started but people don’t see it. Our Lady is revealing the keys to entering paradise.

God created man for eternal life.
We are all invited to eternal salvation, and the Holy Mother explicitly tells us that the Heavenly Father created man for eternal joy. Unfortunately, eternal joy and eternal life are not the assured destiny for all here on earth. Our Lady repeatedly warns us that Satan is actively working to destroy her plans like never before.

This is why the Blessed Mother is here among us for so long. She is with us to guide all her children to Heaven. And through her messages, now for 40 years, she is pointing the way to her son.

On May 2, 2019 Our Lady revealed to us the key that opens the doors to Paradise.

Let us read this divine message from Heaven that was given to Miryana:

“Dear children, with a motherly love I am calling you to respond to the great love of my Son, with pure and open hearts, with complete trust. I know the greatness of His love. I carried Him within me, the Host in the heart, the light and the love of the world. My children, also my addressing you is a sign of the love and tenderness of the Heavenly Father, who is filled with the love of my Son and is calling you to eternal life. Out of love, the Blood of my Son was shed for you. That Precious Blood is for your salvation, for eternal life. The Heavenly Father created man for eternal happiness. It is not possible-for you who know the love of my Son and who follow Him – to die. Life triumphed; my Son is alive. Therefore, my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way and the means of spreading the love of my Son who is prayer in the most exalted form. My children, also when you strive to live the words of my Son, you are praying. When you love the people whom you meet, you are spreading the love of my Son. It is love that opens the doors of Paradise. My children, from the beginning, I prayed for the Church. Therefore, I am also calling you, apostles of my love, to pray for the Church and her servants-for those whom my Son called. Thank you.” These words speak to our future: Our Lady is saying that is not possible for you to die. This concept takes us back to the prologue of the Gospel of John: “Jesus came among his own, but his own people did not accept him. But to those who accepted him he gave power to them to become children of God “

He sacrificed himself for us, for our salvation. The blood of Jesus was poured out for us, out of love, this precious blood for our salvation, for eternal life. This is the greatest sign of the Father’s love for each of us. A love of which Mary is a living witness and instrument who knows the greatness of His love. Our Lady implores us to carry the holy Eucharist in our heart, which is the light and the love of the world.

Our Lady says: “Life has triumphed, my Son is alive. Therefore my children, apostles of my love, may prayer show you the way to spread the love of my Son.” Prayer is our moment of dialogue with God, prayer is our compass that guides us to paradise. The instrument with which we can draw, through the Holy Spirit, is the strength to proclaim the love of God for the whole world. When you love those you meet, spread the love of my Son.

Jesus left us his commandment, a fundamental verse for our faith.”This is my commandment: love one another as I have loved you”. Because it is by following this exhortation that we will reach eternal salvation for which the Father has created us.

This is what the Madonna wants us to comprehend with our hearts. Her closing sentence is very clear: ”Love is what opens the doors of paradise, it is the key that opens the door to paradise” . This is the essence of our creed. We have all received this key, it is up to us to protect it and make sure we don’t lose it. Thank you for watching and God Bless