Blessed Conchita (1862-1937) received mystical messages from Jesus — approved by the Church — that offer profound insights into the power of suffering.

The Mexican wife and mother of nine children founded a male and female religious community and published 46 books with mystical messages for the transformation of our lives in Christ. She received the title “Blessed” in 2007 after Pope Francis approved the miracle of a young father who suffered from a debilitating condition and who was healed through her intercession.

Jesus spoke directly to Conchita, explaining the eternal value of the cross and the communion of suffering. Jesus tells her that if we do not unite our own suffering with the suffering of his Heart, it is completely in vain and we lose the grace of great love.

Jesus announces the impact of the Holy Spirit

Among other things, Jesus brings to the young seer, who started receiving messages as a girl, messages about the descent of the Holy Spirit among people. Interestingly, he also mentions that this is the time we live in – the last phase of the world, the era of the Holy Spirit.

“When I send the new Pentecost to the world, I want it to be lit, purified, illuminated by the light and fire of the Holy Spirit. The last phase of the world must be specially marked by the outpouring of the Holy Spirit. He must reign in hearts and in the whole world, not so much for the glory of his Person as for the beloved Father and the testimony of me, although his glory is the glory of the entire Trinity.

Tell the pope that it is My will that throughout the Christian world the Holy Spirit be prayed to bring peace and His kingdom in hearts. Only this Holy Spirit will be able to renew the face of the earth. He will bring light, unity and charity to hearts.

Let the whole world turn to this Holy Spirit from the day his reign came. This last stage of the world belongs especially to Him to be honored and exalted.

Let the Church preach it, let souls love it, let the whole world dedicate itself to it, and peace will come together with a moral and spiritual reaction, greater than the evil that torments the world.

Let this Holy Spirit suddenly begin to be called with prayers, penances and tears, with an ardent desire for His coming. He will come, I will send Him again clearly manifested in His effects, which will amaze the world and lend holiness to the Church.

A new redemption will come, not by my human suffering, but by my suffering in crucified souls and a new Pentecost by the living and fervent encouragement of the Holy Spirit…

But to save souls, set souls on fire, bring souls to perfection, we must start from the roots, which is the Church in my priests, as a strong help for the work of salvation to come, which is at the door. . . . I will suffer in my souls. I will redeem myself in souls, I will redeem with my merits – in souls – a new era of fervor in my Church.