March 25, 2020 – Our Lady’s Monthly Message to Marija: “Permit God to speak to your heart, because  Satan is reigning and wants to destroy your  lives  and the earth on which you walk…”

Message, 25. March 2020

“Dear children! I am with you all these  years to lead  you to the  way of salvation.  Return to my Son; return to  prayer and fasting. Little  children,  permit  for God to speak to your heart, because  Satan is reigning and  wants to destroy  your  lives  and the earth  on which  you  walk. Be courageous  and decide for holiness.  You will see conversion in your hearts and families; prayer  will be heard; God will hear your cries  and give you  peace. I am with you and  am blessing you  all  with my motherly  blessing. Thank you for having responded to my call.

The world is under attack and Mystic Post is facing real difficulties right now.
We need your help spreading the messages of the Queen of Peace.
We work very hard for Our Lady every day.

Satan is attacking her plans for peace and salvation for the world like never before.

 Can you help us today?