July 30, 2019 – Vatican dignitaries head to Medjugorje. Reports of “imminent recognition”
“Medjugorje is an international place of pilgrimage..but since its church status isn’t regulated these people are often like sheep without a shepherd’ recognition
A Vatican delegation is to visit Medjugorje in Bosnia-Herzegovina for the first time, three months after the Pope officially lifted the ban on official church pilgrimages to the Marian sanctuary. In a report, Vatican Radio said the delegation would be at the shrine for an early August youth festival, to be opened by Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, papal vicar of the Rome diocese, and closed by Archbishop Rino Fisichella, president of the Pontifical Council for New Evangelisation, and Archbishop Jose Carballo, secretary of the Vatican’s Congregation for Orders. However, it added that its presence did not mean “tacit recognition” of alleged Marian apparitions at the site, which are currently undergoing separate examination and evaluation by the Catholic Church.
Over 40,000 apparitions have been claimed over 38 years at Medjugorje, where six teenagers claim to have first seen the Virgin Mary on 24 June 1981 while herding sheep. Although the then Yugoslavia’s Bishops Conference concluded in 1990 it could not be affirmed that supernatural events were occurring in the hilltop town, which was largely untouched by a 1992-5 war in Bosnia-Herzegovina, some of the six visionaries say Mary still appears to them daily with messages.
In May 2018, the Pope named Polish Archbishop Henryk Hoser as his apostolic visitor, after recommendations by a Papal commission that Medjugorje should be designated a pontifical shrine with Vatican oversight, and this May the ban on Catholic pilgrimages was lifted under a Papal decree.
“The Marian thriller that reveals how Medjugorje and Fatima secrets connect….”
Is it possible –
That there exists a Catholic mystery that holds the secret of America’s future?