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Father Livio Fanzaga, director of Radio Maria , in the introduction to the words of the visionary, recalled that Our Lady comes to stay with us, to remind us of our destiny, the destiny for which we were created, that is, the participation of the Glory of Christ Resurrected, through which we become his adoptive sons and participate in his joy. We are called to a destiny of eternity if we follow the way of God: with Our Lady among us with her presence, with her prayer, this is a time of grace!
Some of the words of Marija Pavlovic
Many people who arrive here in Medjugorje receive a pardon: they come home changed and become pillars also for their Parishes. A real change takes place here.
Our Lady has already asked from the first days for prayer in the family and in the parish, the first group created. Today no one forbids us to pray, as happened at the time of communism, when the apparitions began. I invite you to sacrifice some of your time, especially in the morning, to devote to prayer.
The Monthly Message August 25, 2018
“Dear children! This is a time of grace. Little children, pray more, speak less and permit God to lead you on the way of conversion. I am with you and love you with my motherly love. Thank you for having responded to my call.”

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