Mary’s Daily Pearl May 6, 2021 – The Ancient “Seven Beads Rosary” “Pray this once a day so that, through me, God’s plan can be realized.” The Seven Wounds of Christ
Medjugorje August 4, 2019…The Mysterious Rosary of 7 Beads that Our Lady Says Helps Free Souls from Purgatory..A reminder to recite seven Our Fathers, seven Ave Maria’s and seven Gloria Be’s.
In Medjugorje, in the shops of religious articles, there is a strange chaplet of the Rosary. The Rosary has seven beads but it is not a commercial quirk but serves to remind the prayerful to recite seven Our Fathers, seven Ave Maria’s and seven Gloria Be’s.
This is an ancient religious practice of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is recited to veneration of the wounds of Jesus, including that of the shoulder and the crown of thorns.
When the apparitions began in Medjugorje, Our Lady told the young seers that she greatly appreciated this practice but suggested to introduce it with the recitation of the Creed. From Medjugorje, the Chaplet has spread all over the world.
Since the first apparitions the Gospa asked for the recitation of this chaplet during the apparition of July 3, 1981, she said to the visionaries:
” Before the seven Pater Ave Gloria always pray the Creed “
In her message of November 16, 1983 ,
“ Pray at least once a day the Creed and seven Our Fathers Hail Marys and the Gloria Be according to my intentions so that , through me, God’s plan can be realized. “
She added that this practice frees souls from purgatory, in fact in the message of July 20, 1982 , she stated:
“ In Purgatory there are many souls and among these also people consecrated to God. Pray for them at least seven Pater Ave Gloria and the Creed. I recommend it! Many souls have been in Purgatory for a long time because no one prays for them. In Purgatory there are several levels: the lowest are close to Hell while the elevated ones gradually come closer to Paradise “ .
Our Lady recommended this practice as thanksgiving at the end of Holy Mass; the parish of Medjugorje immediately accepted this invitation and still today recites it immediately after the evening mass. For those who want to recite it at home is useful the chaplet that allows you to keep track of the series of Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory to the Father. This chaplet is found in many sites that sell religious material online and at specialized stores

Chaplet of The Seven Wounds of Christ, Prayer
Devotion to the Seven Wounds
On the Crucifix
Kiss the Crucifix and sign yourself with the sign of the Cross.
On the first bead pray the opening prayer.
Opening Prayer
O Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the living God, grant that I may with all my heart, aspire to be like you and may I look always to you in whom alone true blessings are to be found. Inscribe on my heart with your precious blood all your wounds that I may read in them both your sufferings and your love. Lord, please grant me the grace I also humbly request. (mention your request here)
On Bead 1 of the set
Wound of the Knees
From the moment of your betrayal, you were bound and dragged by the centurions before your accusers and false witnesses. When you were unable to keep pace with these torturers, you fell to your knees, were flogged and then dragged again. If the punishment of those knees were not enough, under the burden of your heavy cross you fell again to your knees three times. I praise worship and adore the wounds of your knees. By these wounds I ask that you make all souls close to your heart become ardent lamps lighting today’s dark and faithless world.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 2 of the set
Wound of the Scourging
I come before you as an unworthy person begging you to allow me to consecrate myself entirely to your most Sacred Heart. I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your scourging with so many openings that shine forth with the pure and bright rays of your patient love. I offer to you, Jesus, your Holy Church, and I ask you to bless our Pope, our bishop and all our priests.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 3 of the set
Wound of the Left Shoulder
During your scourging the torturer’s whip lashed onto your left shoulder before tearing the flesh from your back and then not punished enough you were forced to carry your own heavy cross on that same red, torn and bloodied shoulder. Because of our sins You have been struck unto death. I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your left shoulder. Help all those who desire to serve You more closely by increasing their faith, hope, and love. And I ask you to protect all your priests and strengthen them against the attacks of the Evil One.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 4 of the set
Wound of the Crowning of Thorns
O my Jesus, your Holy Face has been marred by the malice of sinful man. The thorns from the twisted branches penetrate into Your Sacred Head, the Temple of Divine Wisdom. May the memory of your wounds ever remain in the hidden places of my heart, to stir up within me your compassionate sorrow, so that the flame of your love may be enkindled in me. I thank you for the infinite love with which You endured so numerous and such cruel sufferings, to expiate my sins which I detest with all my heart. “O Jesus, whose Face delights my heart, I beseech You to imprint in me your Divine resemblance, to inflame me with your love and make me contemplate your glorious Face in Heaven.”
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 5 of the set
Wound of Your Hands
United with the entire Heavenly Hosts and with all the faithful on earth, I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your Hands. I thank you; for it is on account of our sins that Your hands have been pierced. I offer to You all those who at this moment are dying. Touch the heart of those souls and have mercy on them.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 6 of the set
Wound of your Feet
In union with all the souls that are still detained far from You in Purgatory and who yearn to be with You, I praise, worship, and adore the Holy Wound of your Feet. Have mercy on those souls who hunger while awaiting your mercy. Come to the aid of those tried by life’s difficulties and all those who walk in darkness. Allow them to discover that You are their only hope.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
On Bead 7 of the set
Wound of the Opened Side
It is through your sufferings that You relieved our sins and reconciled the world to Yourself. Receive our praise, worship, and adoration for that suffering. I praise, adore, and worship the Wound of your opened Side, your pierced Heart. I desire to live every remaining day of my life in the cleft of Your opened side and to love you more. So I ask you again to inscribe your wounds on my heart, that I may read in them your sufferings and your love. May the memory of those wounds ever remain in the hidden depths of my heart so that I may return Your love to you.
On the next 4 beads
1 Our Father, 1 Hail Mary, 1 Glory be to the Father,
I adore you Jesus, I love you, and I praise you.
Concluding Prayer
Eternal Father, I praise you, I adore you, and I love you. I thank You for sending Your Son into the world to suffer and die for us. Under the movement of your Holy Spirit and through the most pure hands of Mary, I offer You my humble life in union with the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of your Son. Accept the sacred Wounds of his Body which implore mercy on us. I offer You the Wounds of your Son to heal the wounds of our souls and to heal the wounds of sinful humanity.
St. Theresa of The Child Jesus, pray for us.
The chaplet designed and created by ©2003 J.S. Kotchka and Brian Heacock is use here with permission from the artisans.
History of The Seven Wounds
Jesus specifically asked that people be made aware of his left shoulder. Our Lord’s left shoulder bothered him extremely while carrying the cross on the way to Golgotha*. The left shoulder* was torture inflicted on him by the centurions who insisted he carry the cross on his left shoulder that was ripped open while being scourged at the pillars. Jesus dragged the cross on that shoulder for several miles.
Jesus was bound in the garden and dragged, flogged and pulled upright to fall again. Christ fell to his knees several hundred times on the way to his two separate trials, first with Herod and then with Pilate. Jesus was never allowed to rest or even sit down. He was forced to stand for hours. Pity…. His only rest was on the cross.
Jesus suffocated and suffered in agony while nailed to the cross. The wound in Jesus’s side was due to the upcoming feast of Passover, The Day of Preparation, which began at sunset. The Jews wanted no signs of death to mar the solemn feast day so they asked Pilate to have the legs broken of the 3 men and the bodies be taken away. Usually those crucified on the cross stayed there several days until they finally died. They broke the legs of those crucified to speed up the suffocation. The soldiers came and broke the legs of the two thieves that were crucified next to Jesus but when they came to Jesus, he was already dead. Seeing this, one of the centurions thrust a lance piercing the side of Jesus ensuring he was dead.
* Golgotha, place of the sculls where Christ was offered gall to drink is on the summit of Mt. Calvary.
* Shoulder, Wounds to the left shoulder spoken of by Christ in revelation to St. Bernard, St. Bridget, St. Elizabeth, Queen of Hungry, St. Matilda
* Gall by the way, although it tasted terrible, was wine mixed with herbs to deaden the pain of crucifixion. It was not another torture by the centurions.