Medjugorje: 25 MAY 2022 While awaiting this evening’s message, let us invoke Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace: “O Mother of God
While awaiting this evening’s message, let us invoke Mary, Mother and Queen of Peace

O Mother of God and our Mother Mary, Queen of Peace, with you we praise and thank God who has given you to us as our true Mother who shows us the way of Peace and our salvation, and as Queen you obtain for us from the Lord the goods of peace and reconciliation.
In many ways you speak to us, protect us and intercede for us and with your maternal love you win the hearts of your sinful children to lead them to the Son Jesus.
Be blessed and thankful!
As in your maternal heart, O Mary, there is room for all your children, even for those who pierce your heart by losing themselves in sin, so our love may embrace the brothers, without excluding anyone, and become intercession and expiation for They.
May the charity that you, O Mother teach us in prayer to welcome and live, unite your children among themselves.
Accompany us, O Blessed Virgin, in the commitment of our daily conversion and sanctification so that, aided by you, we may overcome the enemy of our souls and of humanity with prayer, participation in the Sacraments, fasting, charity and renewed decision for God.
May the heart of our piety and of our whole life be the Eucharistic Sacrifice of the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ, your Son and our Savior. We want him frequently and with gratitude to receive him in Holy Communion, to adore him truly present in the Blessed Sacrament and to repair, with faith and love, the sins with which he is offended.
May you, Mary, “Eucharistic” woman, be our guide in worshiping God in a holy way every day of our life, making Christ’s way of life our plan of life.
May the Cross of the Lord, the tree of Life, be for us salvation, sanctification and healing;Â contemplated in its mystery and venerated, it leads us to participate in the redemptive passion of Christ, so that God may be glorified through our crosses as well.
We want to live our consecration to you, O Immaculate Virgin, to join the sentiments and intentions of your Heart as Mother of the Church and of humanity.
We want, especially with the prayer of the Holy Rosary, to intercede for peace and thus entrust our lives, our families and all of humanity to you.
O Mother of the Word made man, you have given us Christ, our Way, Truth and Life. He guides us, enlightens us and communicates Life in the Spirit to us with his Word, so we want to keep the Word of God in a visible place in our homes as a sign of His presence and a constant reminder to read and, according to your example, Mary , in the most intimate place of our heart to keep it, meditate on it and put it into practice.
O Mary, Queen of Peace, help us to live the path of peace, to “be peace”, to intercede and atone for the peace of the Church and of humanity, to witness and give peace to others. May our path of peace be shared with all men of good will.
O Mother of the Church who with your intercession support our prayer, obtain for us and with us the gift of the Holy Spirit for the Church, so that you may find her unity, one heart and one soul in Christ, with you and with the successor of the apostle Peter, to be an instrument of the reconciliation of every man with God and of a new civilization of love.
By committing ourselves to live according to the desires of your maternal Heart, putting God first in our life, we will be your “hands extended” to the non-believing world so that it opens to the gift of faith and love of God.
How not to be grateful to you, Mary, for all the graces of new life with God and of Peace that the Lord makes us pass through you, associating you with his redemptive passion.
Thank you, O Mother and Queen of Peace!
May your maternal blessing, O Mary, our sweetest Mother, descend on each of us, on our families, on the Church and on all humanity.
In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen.