Medjugorje Today March 1, 2021 – Reflect on Our Lady’s most famous Message (THE GREAT PROPHECY) in this time of Lent. “I want to achieve through the secrets that I started in Fatima is realized”…Be ready for what is coming
This time, which has lasted since June 24, 1981, is characterized by an event that is unique in the history of humanity, the presence of Our Lady among us, in Medjugorje.
Medjugorje Most Famous Message
Medjugorje message of August 25, 1991 to the visionary Marija:
Dear friends, once again Our Lady invites us to live Lent with prayer and fasting, as Jesus did in the desert, before facing the devil.
At the same time Our Lady looks beyond, towards the future, because the tempter wants hatred and wars and only with prayer and fasting will we be able to reject his will to destroy our lives and the very planet on which we walk.

In these times of confusion and agitation it is necessary to live “in faith and with faith”, and to have recourse to the Immaculate Heart of the Mother, in the certainty that we will not be left in restlessness.
Our Lady wants to warn us against Satan who tries in every way to prevent God’s project by discouraging us and distancing us from the Lord. It is the warning of a Mother who wants to help us and make us aware of the evil one’s action aimed at destroying man, his soul.
She asks for our help so that through each of us, the secrets that you began with your coming to Fatima, over a hundred years ago , may be fully realized . And that they have to do with her maternal desire to save all her children and lead them to eternal life.
A request for collaboration that is an incentive to become aware of the gravity of the current condition, which is evident before our eyes. In this way, to adhere decisively to His plan of love, which is an occasion of infinite grace for all of us. And the indications he gives us are clear: prayer and fasting.
Simona Amabene