Medjugorje: “One must earn one’s life with God…When God calls you, he will ask you about your life. What will you tell him?”
“We think we live forever. Nobody will live forever. Every moment can be the one in which God calls us. Because life passes. It’s just a passage. One must earn one’s life with God. Our Lady said in a message: “When God calls you, he will ask you about your life. He will ask you: “How did you live your life? What will you tell him? . Only that is important.” ….. PAX ET JUSTITIA / ON Feb 2, 2020 AT 17:05 / Mirjana:

Her desire is for us to help us search for purity and humility. Praying is the means to free oneself from the superfluous, from everything that obscures or hides the truth from what makes us waste time in finding a dialogue with the Lord. And to pray is not a way to satisfy oneself, but to rediscover the union in a gigantic embrace that gathers those who yearn for the Creator.

“I wanted to ask you from the heart: please pray for us visionaries, to do all that God wants from us. It is very easy to make mistakes and we need you, your prayers.We here in Medjugorje pray for pilgrims every day, so that you can understand why you are here and what God wants from you.Thus we are always united with prayer, as our Mother wants.Always as His children. “.Medjugorje info

Our Lady of Medjugorje, Pray for us, l believe in you , Amen?♥️♥️♥️
GOD has HIS OWN MESSENGER and His name is JESUS, don’t you know?
You idolaters sons and daughters of de devil, you brood of vipers.
Your day of judgement is coming, and in that day you will you will crush your teeth. You ugly virgens and saints lovers