Medjugorje’s “Seven Bead Peace Rosary” – Help Children Learn the Rosary and Support Mystic Post’s Fall Fundraiser
“In Medjugorje, in the shops of religious articles, there is a strange chaplet of the Rosary. The Rosary has seven beads but it is not a commercial quirk but serves to remind the prayerful to recite the Creed, seven Our Fathers, seven Ave Maria’s and seven Gloria Be’s.“

When the Visionaries were young, The Queen Peace understood it would be difficult to have the children pray the full rosary so she encouraged the youngsters to pray the “Peace Rosary”. The prayer is simple but holds immense power and leads to a lifelong devotion to prayer. The Medjugorje Peace Rosary can change lives. Our Lady says the praying the rosary can even change the world. She says: “Dear children, pray! Pray the Rosary every day…Apostles of my love, the strength of prayer pronounced from the heart—a powerful prayer full of love—changes the world.”
This video offers a great explanation of the importance of the “Peace Rosary”
With a $25.00 donation, you can help support the promotion of the Rosary, particularly with young people, and support Mystic Post’s mission of spreading the messages of Our Lady across the globe – We believe Our Lady is ready to change the world – will you help?

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“Come with me. Help me. Be my apostles.Let us help those who have not experienced the love of the Heavenly Father. You with me; me with you; we cannot without each other.” The Queen of Peace
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- Provide communication tools and other resources to help Catholics educate their parishes about the truth of Medjugorje and the Vatican’s position on the historic events.
God Bless Stephen Ryan Publisher, Mystic Post