Medjugorje Prophecy January 25, 2019
“Dear children! This is a time of grace, a time of mercy for each of you. Little children, do not permit that the wind of hatred and peacelessness rule in you and around you. You, little children, are called to be love and prayer. The devil wants peacelessness and disorder, but you, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life. Therefore, little children, witness and be proud that you have resurrected in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”
Unlike any time in recent memory, the United States seems almost hopelessly divided along political and racial lines. Our country seems to be torn apart and hurtling out of control heading towards some dangerous unknown destiny.
Cloaked in a struggle for ‘human rights’, and ‘unity’ a cultural revolution is taking place in America and on the world stage that is slowly turning into open totalitarianism.
Vatican envoy, retired Archbishop Hoser of Poland, wrote these powerful words on Christmas eve: ”The cultural revolution in the end always has a Marxist character. Today we are witnessing the relativization of life in which a person qualifies as useful or useless. Those marked as useless are removed from society. Such a cultural revolution underlies all dictatorships such as Italian fascism, German Nazism or Soviet communism.”
It remains to be seen if the progressive, godless, left can show signs of understanding the importance of respectfully accepting differences. If the left insists that those who have questions about things like “climate change”, are exhibiting dangerous thoughts, then America is on a path to a totalitarian state. Americans will face a dystopian future where street corners, office buildings, even our own homes will have the ambience of clean, corporate, lifeless airport terminals where somebody is always watching. “See something, say something.” will be the pledge of allegiance.
America is being influenced by demons, and the signs are abundant, according to a seasoned exorcist.
Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, exorcist for the diocese of Syracuse and research associate professor at the Catholic University of America made these observations on in his online journal, Exorcist Diary. In his diary, Rossetti warns of what he sees as signs of America’s demon-infested society.
Rossetti writes in his diary that signs of demonic oppression in a nation are similar to those found in people. Discord is one sign, he says.
In the past few months, America has experienced a plethora of riots, including the storming of the US Capitol looting, attacking of statues, and demands to change names of military bases.
The level of discord in this country is through the roof
Rossetti also speaks of increased rates of suicide and the breakdown of family life.
Bloomberg) — Conservative social media site Parler was taken offline early Monday morning after large tech companies including Inc. and Google withdrew their support of the social networking site in the wake of violence and rioting at the U.S. Capitol last week. Parler bills itself as a non-biased social network that protects free speech and user data. John Matze, chief executive officer, says the platform saw great growth during the 2020 election as many conservatives moved away from products like Facebook and Twitter.
Medjugorje Prophecy
“Dear children! This is a time of grace, a time of mercy for each of you. Little children, do not permit that the wind of hatred and peacelessness rule in you and around you. You, little children, are called to be love and prayer. The devil wants peacelessness and disorder, but you, little children, be the joy of the risen Jesus who died and resurrected for each of you. He conquered death to give you life, eternal life. Therefore, little children, witness and be proud that you have resurrected in Him. Thank you for having responded to my call. ”
With the growing divide, it is important to note that throughout history, Satan has often been referred to as the “Diablos” or “The divider”.
“The devil is one who does everything in his power to separate us (dia-bolos in Greek meaning ‘he who divides’) from the vertical link uniting true believers with God, and which alone saves them from solitude and death.
At Medjugorje Our Lady warns us that “Satan is angry”.
Visionary Mirjana, in her book , My Heart Will Triumph talks about the real existence of Satan or the “Devil”
She writes,“Our Lady also continually warned the parish that the devil was angry, saying in one of the weekly messages, ‘these days Satan wants to frustrate my plans.’ Likewise, she once told me that Jesus struggles for each of us, but the devil tries to interfere.”
“Whenever I come to you, my Son comes with me, but so does Satan,” the Blessed Mother once informed them.
“The devil prowls around us and sets traps. He tries to divide and confuse us so that we will detest ourselves and abandon ourselves to him. An invisible war rages all around us, but Our Lady is here to help us win.” There are those who attempt, even in the name of religion, to end it.
Spirit Daily adds: Perhaps his attacks should come as no surprise, in that the parish was soon to attract millions, including tens of thousands of priests (inspiring many others to become priests), build what may be the busiest set of confessionals (there are dozens) in the Catholic world (yes, more than the Vatican), and establish an annual “youth day” in which up to five hundred priests concelebrate (as just a few examples).

Mirjana, in her book unequivocally speaks about the truth of Satan:
“Although I rarely speak about the devil, I can tell you with certainty that he exists,” writes the visionary. “I saw him once. All I will say is that it was the most terrifying experience of my life, but love drove him away. In that moment, I learned that nothing in this world compares to his ugliness and his hatred for God — but unlike God’s power, his is limited.”
WASHINGTON ( – America is being influenced by demons, and the signs are abundant, according to a seasoned exorcist.
Monsignor Stephen Rossetti, exorcist for the diocese of Syracuse and research associate professor at the Catholic University of America made these observations on June 11 in his online journal, Exorcist Diary. In his diary, Rossetti warns of what he sees as signs of America’s demon-infested society.
“I love America … but it needs help,” Rosetti says. “We [exorcists] typically do assessments of individuals who may have demonic activity. If one were to assess our country as a whole right now, there are strong signs of our country being demonically oppressed,” observed Rossetti.
Monsignor Stephen Rossetti
The late Fr. Gabriele Amorth, former chief exorcist of Rome, defined oppression in his book An Exorcist Tells His Story. Oppression in individuals, says Amorth, includes physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and relationship troubles — happening at once or in rapid succession.
Rossetti writes in his diary that signs of demonic oppression in a nation are similar to those found in people. Discord is one sign, he says.
“The level of discord in this country is through the roof,” he observes.
In the past few months, America has experienced a plethora of riots, looting, attacking of statues, and demands to change names of military bases.
The level of discord in this country is through the roof
Rossetti also speaks of increased rates of suicide and the breakdown of family life.
“A rising level of unhappiness, hopelessness and suicides are also typical demonic signs,” Rossetti says. “Suicide rates have been rising in the USA for several years.”
The breakdown of the family has been a major factor in the increased rate of suicide. The Wuhan virus pandemic and resulting shutdowns have also magnified and exacerbated this problem. Church Militant has reported that crisis lines have had a 40% increase in messages in the United States since Wuhan lockdowns began.
Explaining this connection, the co-founder of a crisis center in Alabama has stated, “In the first wave, people were anxious, but now in the second wave people are feeling depressed and isolated, especially very poor people and those in violent situations.”
Another sign of the demonic is violent rage, according to the exorcist.
“Outbursts of rage, anger and violence often accompany demonic activity. One sign of this in our country is a steady increase in terrorism. … Satan and his minions think of themselves as victims and this mentality is increasingly pervasive in the USA,” says Rossetti.
Moreover, many more people are practicing witchcraft, Wicca, Ouija boards and other occult practices, which open the door to the demonic
Foreign and domestic terrorism have increased exponentially in the past two decades. Radical Islamic terrorism and mass shootings at clubs, theaters and schools, likewise have increased dramatically.
After giving a stern warning to America, he gives a diagnosis along with a necessary solution.
Demons look for openings, according to Rossetti, who discusses how violations of the First Commandment open such doors.
“There is a significant drop in the practice of the Faith, thus losing a critical graced protection,” says Rossetti. “Moreover, many more people are practicing witchcraft, Wicca, Ouija boards and other occult practices, which open the door to the demonic.”
Fr. Francesco Bamonte
Another satanic doorway is opened, according to Rossetti, by killing the innocent unborn. America murders nearly one million babies each year by surgical abortions and many more with chemical/pharmaceutical abortions.
“Also, there are almost a million abortions each year in the USA, which we have found to be a huge demonic door. And there are other sinful behaviors on the rise, such as internet pornography, drug and sexual addictions, and more. Sin gives evil increasing access to our lives,” Rossetti explains.
To reverse this infestation, Rossetti says the United States must “close the doors to the demonic.”
Rossetti clarifies, “Stop sinning. Stop practicing the occult. Start practicing the Faith.”
But this isn’t the trend, he noted.
Stop sinning. Stop practicing the occult. Start practicing the Faith.
“Barring any nationwide conversion and/or extraordinary divine intervention, this is unlikely. In fact, all trends seem to be in the wrong direction,” he observed.
Rossetti calls to mind two principles — that God wants to give man the grace to overcome evil but does not force him to act against his free will.
“The redemptive graces of Jesus’ death and resurrection are infinite and our merciful God intensely desires to shed these graces upon us,” he says. “It has always been that the small barque of Peter, with a little band of the faithful, can turn back divine judgment and coax the Almighty into shedding extraordinary graces on the people.”
Concern for an increase in demonic activity has been rising with the Church in recent years. In 2017, Fr. Francesco Bamonte, chairman of the International Association of Exorcists (IAE), sounded the alarm over deficiencies in the training of seminarians and called for a renewal in theological training. Bamonte lamented the dearth of training in Catholic seminaries, universities and professors, as well as accused some theology faculty of even denying the existence of the demonic.
“Extremely worrying,” said Bamonte.
In 2004, Pope St. John Paul II warned that the decline of faith was opening doors to a new surge of demonic activity. To combat this, he recommended every diocese appoint its own resident exorcist. This spurred U.S. bishops to promote exorcism education and training for priests.
From this came the Pope Leo XIII Institute in 2012, a center dedicated to promoting “the spiritual formation of priests to bring the light of Christ to dispel evil.” In 2004, only a dozen or so exorcists existed across the United States. But by 2015, the Institute graduated its first class of 55 exorcists, followed by another 52 in 2017.
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