Medjugorje – The Assumption. KNOW THAT I AM CLIMBING TO THE SKY BEFORE DEATH” (message of 15 – 08 – 1981).
…the most relevant one concerns the question of whether the Madonna died before she was taken to heaven. In this regard, the “Gospa” is categorical. Precisely on the day of the Assumption she replies: “You ask me about my assumption. Know that I ascended into heaven before death “(15 – 08 – 1981). The affirmation of the Madonna thus arises in the wake of the most ancient tradition that speaks of the “Dormition” of the Blessed Virgin Mary, understood as a moment of grace in which the Mother of God “was fully conformed to her Risen Son, the victor of sin and of death “(see Catechism CC966). “In your motherhood you have preserved your virginity, in your dormancy you have not abandoned the world, oh Mother of God; you have reached the source of Life, you who conceived the living God and who, with your prayers, free our souls from death “(Byzantine Liturgy).

The words of the Madonna on the Assumption
“As much as the Virgin put the seal of secrecy on her life she told the visionaries, yet something revealed through the messages. (Father Livio – Medjugorje: Heaven on earth – Ed Piemme ”) These are details that are anything but negligible. The most relevant one concerns the question of whether the Madonna died before she was taken to heaven. In this regard, the “Gospa” is categorical. Precisely on the day of the Assumption she replies: “You ask me about my assumption. Know that I ascended into heaven before death “(15 – 08 – 1981). The affirmation of the Madonna thus arises in the wake of the most ancient tradition that speaks of the “Dormition” of the Blessed Virgin Mary, understood as a moment of grace in which the Mother of God “was fully conformed to her Risen Son, the victor of sin and of death “(see Catechism CC966). “In your motherhood you have preserved your virginity, in your dormancy you have not abandoned the world, oh Mother of God; you have reached the source of Life, you who conceived the living God and who, with your prayers, free our souls from death “(Byzantine Liturgy).
The other detail that the Queen of Peace has revealed, asking for the involvement of the faithful, concerns the day of her nativity, whose liturgical feast is celebrated by the Church on September 8th. Our Lady wanted to give a lot of priority to this revelation with a moving message: “We celebrate the second millennium of my birth. For that day God allows me to give you special graces and to give the world a special blessing. I ask you to prepare intensely with three days to devote exclusively to me. In those unworked days. Take the rosary and pray, fast on bread and water. During all these centuries I have dedicated myself completely to you: is it too much if I ask you now to dedicate three days to me? (01-08-1984). The specification of the Madonna can be a precious point of reference for historians and exegetes, as long as they want to welcome it.
But the intention of the Mother of God is another.
She wants her children to realize her inexhaustible and universal love, which embraces the whole journey of humanity and of every person.
I had met Ivan at St. Ann’s Church in Marshfield, MA USA
We definitely have a problem. Our Blessed mother seems to be in two placesat one. Very confusing. Who are we to believe “Medjugorie or our blessed “ mother of Akita with Sister Agnes. Everybody wants to believe that we are all going to HEAVEN’ Rather than a grand chastisement one of which Father Padre Pio saw ‘ of all the corruption in this world it would be rather stupid to believe we get of scot free. Thanks