Medjugorje Today: “This hard prophecy gives us only one way out”
In one of her last appearances she can also sense a bitter prophecy. But her message is always of hope. A hope that we must however conquer with faith humility and above all prayer, so much prayer. So we will be able to remain steadfast in the trials that await us.
Don Renzo Lavatori comments on the last message from Medjugorje of July 25, 2019 for the Light of Mary
LdM – Don Renzo the Madonna on 25 July in Medjugorje left Marija with a short but very intense message. Almost prophetic. On what and what did you call us back to?
DRL – The message is presented in a suggestive configuration. It is like a precious ring, at the center of which is set a brilliant or a pearl of mysterious brightness, which radiates into the future. It is framed by a bright and solid golden capsule. Beyond the symbolism, we can say that the precious pearl is the prediction of a thorny future. Nevertheless it must be guarded and supported by prayer, which like a shell protects us, defends us and gives joy.
From Medjugorje Our Lady gives a hard prophecy
LdM – Don Renzo talked about prophecy does it explain the details?
DRL – The prophecy says these words: “Children, the trials will come and you will not be strong and sin will reign, but if you are mine, you will win because your refuge will be the Heart of my Son Jesus” . The phrase can be divided into two parts: in the first, which concerns the most impressive aspect, it announces the trials that will have to be faced and our weakness, while sin is unleashed around us.
LdM – How thick will the tests be and what will they provoke in us, in the Church and in society?
DRL – We must say that the evidence will be rather heavy, if in front of them we are weak, unable to face them with our human strength. The Virgin specifies that these trials will be caused by sin, that is, by wickedness and the attacks of evil, since the world, understood as an aversion to God, to truth and love, will be strengthened and will destroy society, will interfere in families and in the Church itself. On the other hand, they are realities that we can now see abundantly and feel their bitterness and anguish.
LdM – But in the second part of the sentence there is no light of hope?
DRL – Certainly, the second part offers an encouragement, a great hope, which depends on us. Here we must put all our good will and our commitment to collaborate with divine grace and be able to pass the tests. This commitment is to remain firmly united to Mary and take refuge in the Heart of Jesus the Redeemer. The Virgin constitutes mediation so that we do not lose ourselves and do not lose sight of the love of salvation which is Christ the Lord.

How to overcome our weakness
LdM – But how can we be so strong as not to succumb?
DRL – And yet, if our abilities are extremely shaky and insecure, where will we find the courage and support to remain strong and faithful? At this point we must refer to the first sentence of the message that says: “Dear children! My call for you is prayer. Prayer be joy for you and a crown that binds you to God “ . It is clear that prayer is the indispensable and appropriate instrument. The Virgin immediately gives the motivations saying that prayer assures peace, serenity, joy in our soul, so that we do not fall into agitation and anguish. On the other hand, prayer, as we well know, is a passage that allows us to be united to Christ, that is, a chain or crown that binds us to the sky.
LdM – Do you pray more to be stronger?
DRL – Certainly and then we will strengthen you, reinvigorated, encouraged and comforted, because supported by divine grace. Our weak forces thus acquire the infinite celestial power. With prayer, our soul takes courage to defeat evil and to be able to face the struggle with the confident certainty of transforming evil into good, death into life and pain into grace.
LdM – But the concept of prayer does not end here, right?
DRL – Exactly. The second sentence on prayer completes the explanation: “Therefore, little children, return to prayer so that prayer may become life for you day and night” . These words, which are the conclusion of the message, are a precise order of Mary to cling to prayer and not give up on this point of fundamental importance.

Prayer as a remedy for the Medjugorje prophecy
LdM – But what prayer is spoken in the last message from Medjugorje and why?
DRL – The Virgin offers us two beautiful brushstrokes: one is the affirmation that prayer is the soul of our life, it is not enough to pray sometimes or when we remember it. It must mark every aspect of our daily existence, so that no act or thought or desire or matter or choice can be deprived of the divine support given to us by prayer. It is said that prayer must be the breath of the soul or the beat of our heart. How important it is to understand the mode of an uninterrupted prayer, which constantly accompanies us and sustains us and enlightens us: at home, in the car, at work, at fun, at social events and at various kinds of commitments.
LdM – For this reason does the Virgin specify: day and night?
DRL – Exactly why. Day and night that is always from morning to evening and from evening to morning. It is the inner prayer that trembles and invokes the Most Holy Name of Jesus and Mary as a heartbeat in our hearts.
LdM – The concept of uninterrupted prayer frightens many who think: where do I find time?
DRL – It must not be said that uninterrupted prayer remains impossible, because we are taken by a thousand things and we must look after them carefully. This is just an excuse to justify our spiritual laziness. Prayer instead becomes the breath, the attraction, the beat of every moment, as happens when we are in love with a person or taken by a passion, we live a normal life, every day, but our soul is enveloped and calmed by the continuous thinking for that person or driven by the desires we carry within us.
LdM – Don Renzo explains better
DRL – In other words, uninterrupted prayer can be seen as the yearning and incitement of the heart in love with Jesus. That’s all. Often we are afraid of falling in love with Christ, because we do an idea or a person among a thousand we know. Instead the Lord must be the only person , that person of whom we feel the most intense charm, the greatest love, that is, falling in love. Then it will be easy to pray without ever interrupting.
Prayer to the Virgin Mary and Mother of Don Renzo Lavatori
O Virgin Mary, Mother, I have weakened your son to you, to be sprinkled and filled with your motherly love. In this way I will be able to approach your Son my Lord and Redeemer, with all the transport in my soul, as you do and as you teach me. Lead me, with your patience and insistence, towards Him, so that He may be the person I love above all things and I cannot do without.
Without Him my life is lost and annihilated. He is the life, the light, the love, of which I must be possessed. Everything else is basted, designed and realized within this embrace with which I join Christ and Christ is poured into me. I am grateful to you, good Mother, who are close to me, to ensure that I am bound and do not distance myself from your most sweet and most loving Son and my Lord. To him the glory and honor over the centuries. Amen