Vicka and her vision of Hell – “The blond girl goes into the fire and comes back up as a beast”
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Vicka: Yes, yes.It’s like when you see a person, for example a blonde girl, who is normal before entering the fire.But when she goes down into the fire and then comes back up, she changes into a beast, as if she had never been a person. Father Livio: Marija told us, in the interview with Radio Maria, that when Our Lady showed you Hell during the apparition without bringing you to the afterlife, this blonde girl, when she came out of the fire, also had the horns and the tail.Is that it? Vicka: Yes, it’s just a way of being like demons. It is a transformation that happens quickly. Before falling down into the fire, they are normal and when they come back on they are transformed.
Our Lady told us: “These people who are here in Hell have gone there with their own will, because they wanted to go there.Those people who here on earth go against God already begin to live in Hell and then only continue “.
Father Livio: Tell me where you were and what time it was.
Vicka: We were in Jakov’s little house when Our Lady came. It was an afternoon, around 15.20. Yes, it was 15.20.

Father Livio: Did not you wait for the apparition of the Madonna?
Vicka: No. Yakov and I returned from Citluk and went to his house where his mother was (Note: Jakov’s mother is dead now).In the house of Jakov there is a bedroom and a kitchen. His mother had gone to get something to prepare us for food, because we would have to go to church a little later. While we waited, Jakov and I started to look at a photo album. Suddenly Jakov went down from the couch even before me and I realized that the Madonna had already arrived. She immediately told us: “You, Vicka, and you, Jakov, come with me to see Heaven, Purgatory and Hell”. I said to myself: “All right, if Our Lady wants it”. Yakov instead said to Our Lady: “You bring Vicka, because they are in many brothers. Do not bring me as an only child “. SHe said this because he did not want to go.

Father Livio: Evidently he thought you would never come back! (Note: Jakov’s reluctance was providential, because he makes the story even more credible and real).
Vicka: Yes, he thought we would not be back and that we would be gone forever. In the meantime, I thought how many hours or days it would take and wondered if we would go up or down. But in a moment the Madonna took me by the right hand and Jakov by the left hand and the roof opened to let us pass.
Father Livio: Has everything opened up?
Vicka: No, everything did not open, but only the part that was needed to get us through. In a few moments we arrived in Paradise. As we went upstairs, we saw downstairs small houses, smaller than when seen from the plane.
Father Livio: But you looked down on the earth, while you were brought up?
Vicka: As we were brought up, we looked down.
Father Livio: And what did you see?
Vicka: All very small, smaller than when you go by plane. Meanwhile, I thought: “Who knows how many hours or how many days it takes!”. Instead, in a moment we arrived. I saw a great space …
Father Livio: Look, I read somewhere, I do not know if it’s true, that there’s a door, with a rather old person next door.
Vicka: Yes, yes. There is a wooden door.
Father Livio: Big or small?
Vicka: Great. Yes, great.
Father Livio: It is important. It means that so many people enter. Was the door open or closed?
Vicka: It was closed, but Our Lady opened it and we entered it.
Father Livio: Ah, how did you open it? Has it opened on its own?
Vicka: Alone. We went to the door that opened itself.
Father Livio: I understand that the Madonna is truly the gateway to heaven!
Vicka: To the right of the door was St. Peter’s.
Father Livio: How did you know it was St. Peter?
Vicka: I knew it was him right away. With a key, rather small, with a beard, a little stocky, with hair. It remained the same.
Father Livio: Was he standing or sitting?
Vicka: Standing, standing near the door. As soon as we entered, we went forward, walking, maybe three, four meters. We have not visited all of Heaven, but Our Lady has explained it to us. We have seen a large space wrapped in a light that does not exist here on earth. We have seen people who are neither fatty nor skinny, but all the same and have garments of three colors: gray, yellow and red. People walk, sing, pray. There are also some little Angels that fly. Our Lady told us: “Look how happy and happy are the people who are here in Paradise”. It is a joy that can not be described and that does not exist here on earth.
Father Livio: Our Lady has made you understand the essence of Paradise which is the happiness that never ends. “In heaven there is joy”, he said in a message. He then showed you the perfect people and without any physical defect, to make us understand that, when there will be the resurrection of the dead, we will have a body of glory like that of the Risen Jesus. But I would like to know what kind of dress they wore. Of tunics?
Vicka: Yes, some tunics.
Father Livio: Did they come to the bottom of their feet or were they short?
Vicka: They were long and came all the way.
Father Livio: What color were the tunics?
Vicka: Gray, yellow and red.
Father Livio: Do you think these colors have meaning?
Vicka: Our Lady did not explain it to us. When you want, the Madonna explains, but at that moment she did not explain why they have the tunics of three different colors.
Father Livio: How are the Angels?
Vicka: Angels are like little children.
Father Livio: Do they have the whole body or just the head as in Baroque art?
Vicka: They have the whole body.
Father Livio: Do they also wear robes?
Vicka: Yes, but they are short.
Father Livio: Do you see the legs then?
Vicka: Yes, because they do not have long tunics.
Father Livio: Do they have small wings?
Vicka: Yes, they have wings and they fly above people who are in Heaven.
Father Livio: Once the Madonna spoke about abortion. He said that it is a serious sin and those who get it will have to answer.The children, on the other hand, have no fault of this and are like little angels in heaven. Do you think the Angels of Paradise are those aborted babies?
Vicka: Our Lady did not say that the little Angels in Heaven are the children of abortion. He said that abortion is a great sin and that those who did it, and not the children, respond to it.
Father Livio: Are you then going to Purgatory?
Vicka: Yes, after we went to Purgatory.
Father Livio: Have you come a long way?
Vicka: No, Purgatory is near.
Father Livio: Did Our Lady bring you?
Vicka: Yes, holding hands.
Father Livio: Did you walk or fly?
Vicka: No, no, he made us fly.
Father Livio: I understand. Our Lady has transported you from Paradise to Purgatory, holding hands.
Vicka: Purgatory is also a great space. In Purgatory, however, you do not see people, but only you see a great fog and you feel …
Father Livio: What do you feel?
Vicka: It feels like people are suffering. You know, you hear noises …

Father Livio: I have just published my book: “Because I believe in Medjugorje”, where I write that in Purgatory they would feel like crying, shouting, blows … Is this correct? I also struggled to find the right words in Italian to give a sense of what you say in Croatian to the pilgrims.
Vicka: You can not say that you hear blows or even feel cries. There are no people seen there. It is not like Heaven.
Father Livio: What do you feel then?
Vicka: It feels like they are suffering. It is a suffering of a different kind. You hear voices and even noises, like one beating …
Father Livio: Are they beat each other?
Vicka: It feels like that, but I could not see. It is difficult, Father Livio, to explain something that you do not see. One thing is feeling and another is seeing. In Heaven you see that they walk, they sing, they pray, and so you can report it accurately. In Purgatory only a great fog can be seen. The people who are there wait for our prayers to be able to go to Heaven as soon as possible.
Father Livio: Who said that they await our prayers?
Vicka: Our Lady said that the people in Purgatory are waiting for our prayers to be able to go to Heaven as soon as possible.
Father Livio: Listen, Vicka: the light of Paradise we could interpret it as the divine presence in which the people who are in that place of bliss are immersed. The fog of Purgatory, however, what does it indicate, in your opinion?
Vicka: For me, fog is definitely a sign of hope. They are suffering, but they have the certain hope that they will go to Heaven.
Father Livio: It strikes me that Our Lady insists on our prayers for the souls in Purgatory.
Vicka: Yes, Our Lady says that they need our prayers to go to Heaven first.
Father Livio: Then our prayers can shorten the Purgatory.
Vicka: If we pray more, they go first to Heaven.
Father Livio: Now talk to us about Hell.
Vicka: Yes. First we saw a big fire.
Father Livio: Take away a curiosity: did you feel hot?
Vicka: Yes. We were close enough and there was fire in front of us.
Father Livio: I understand. On the other hand, Jesus speaks of “eternal fire”.
Vicka: You know, we were there with Our Lady. For us it was a different way. I got it?
Father Livio: Yes, of course! Sure! You were only spectators and not actors of that tremendous drama.
Vicka: We’ve seen people before entering the fire …
Father Livio: Excuse me: but was the fire big or small?
Vicka: Great. It was a big fire. We have seen the people who are normal before entering the fire; then, when they fall into the fire, they are turned into horrible animals. There are so many curses and people screaming and shouting.
Father Livio: This transformation of people into horrible animals for me means the state of perversion of the damned who burn in the flames of hatred against God. Take one more curiosity: do these people who are turned into monstrous beasts also have horns?
Vicka: What? The horns?
Father Livio: Those who have devils.
Vicka: Yes, yes. It’s like when you see a person, for example a blonde girl, who is normal before entering the fire. But when it goes down into the fire and then comes back up, it changes into a beast, as if it had never been a person.
Father Livio: Marija told us, in the interview with Radio Maria, that when Our Lady showed you Hell during the apparition without bringing you to the afterlife, this blonde girl, when she came out of the fire, also had the horns and the tail. Is that it?
Vicka: Yes, of course.
Father Livio: The fact that people turned into beasts also have horns and tails for me means that they have become like demons.
Vicka: Yes, it’s just a way of being like demons. It is a transformation that happens quickly. Before falling down into the fire, they are normal and when they come back on they are transformed.
Our Lady told us: “These people who are here in Hell have gone there with their own will, because they wanted to go there.Those people who here on earth go against God already begin to live in Hell and then only continue “.
Father Livio: Did Our Lady say this?
Vicka: Yes, yes, she said so.
Father Livio: Did Our Lady therefore say, if not with these words, but expressing this concept, that whoever wants to go to Hell goes, stubborn to go against God until the end?
Vicka: There are those who want, of course. Go who is against the will of God. Who wants, goes. God does not send anyone.We all have the chance to save ourselves.
Father Livio: God does not send anyone to Hell: said Our Lady, or do you say so?
Vicka: God does not send. Our Lady said that God does not send anyone. We want to go there, by our choice.
Father Livio: So, that God does not send anyone, Our Lady said so.
Vicka: Yes, he said that God does not send anyone.
Father Livio: I heard or I read somewhere that Our Lady said that we should not pray for the souls of Hell.
Vicka: For those in hell, no. Our Lady said that we do not pray for those in Hell, but only for those in Purgatory.
Father Livio: On the other hand, the damned of hell do not want our prayers.
Vicka: They do not want them and they are useless.
Source: Story taken from the interview of Father Livio, director of Radio Maria
Dear Mama Mary
Please pray for my salvation. I ask for forgiveness of my sins.
They may go there by the choice of following the deceptions, not everyone who goes to hell is making that choice, many wind up there simply because they did not believe God exists or did not believe hell exists so sending themselves there by default. To imply it takes an act of definitive will to ‘choose’ hell is false and misleading.
I agree not everyone chooses to go to hell. There are those who were so bad in life that they were destined to go to hell not by choice.
My heart and soul belong to Christ the King.
Michael and Annisa ur very stupid
God tells u what he likes and hates.He tells us to believe what he releases regarding the word!if u exalt urself in this world’s intellectualism to outreason mysteries…..u have chosen.Do u expect Divinity to come and explain tour pride or would it be better to seek the Holy Spirit to show you the path even where you dont understand.
Why do u think all our prayers end with “may ur will be done?”Our fallen nature by the sin of Adam and Eve renders us prone to sin and thats the flesh which struggles with the Holy Spirit…..the voice of our inclination to sin is always in great discord with that of the Holy Spirit.Which ever you choose to feed wins!
Its like having two puppies fight.A white and a black one.The one u feed wins!
So since ur self-conceited in your logical reasoning and intellectualism,trying to justify sin, i think the Holy Spirit is blocked
Try applying Christ’s words to be like Children…..then the Holy Spirit will play.Dnt expect Divinity to explain to Human Intellectualism which though treasured,is far below Divine wisdom
Pick a leaf or stay conceited!
Please don’t call people stupid then create a comment so riddled with grammatical errors, misspellings and improper capitalization that it is painful to read. You are also rashly assuming the interior disposition of people whom you have never met based merely on their comments here. Instead, take your own advice to be childlike which implies gentleness and humility. You are forgetting the first rule of conduct: see the image of Jesus in everyone, even your enemies, and act accordingly because love covers a multitude of sins.