Demon Arrives at Medjugorje During
Vicka Meeting with Pilgrims Watch video above

more of the strange occurrences in Medjugorje

Medjugorje is a small village in Bosnia and Herzegovina where six visionaries claim to have been receiving apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary since 1981. The apparitions have been controversial, but they have also attracted millions of pilgrims from all over the world.

One of the most unusual aspects of the Medjugorje apparitions is the claim that demons have been seen arriving at Medjugorje during the apparitions. This claim has been made by several of the visionaries, as well as by other witnesses.

One of the visionaries, Vicka Ivankovic, has said that she has seen demons arrive at Medjugorje in the form of black clouds or animals. She has also said that she has felt their presence as a feeling of fear and oppression.

Another visionary, Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti, has said that she has seen demons arrive at Medjugorje in the form of human beings. She has also said that she has heard them speak, and that their words are filled with hatred and blasphemy.

Other witnesses have also claimed to have seen demons arriving at Medjugorje during the apparitions. One witness, a priest named Father Slavko Barbaric, said that he saw a demon in the form of a black dog arrive at Medjugorje and attack one of the visionaries.

The claim that demons have been seen arriving at Medjugorje during the apparitions has been met with skepticism by some people. However, there are many people who believe that the claim is true. They point to the fact that the visionaries are all credible people, and that they have all made the same claim independently of each other.

They also point to the fact that the visionaries have all experienced physical and spiritual attacks during the apparitions. Vicka Ivankovic, for example, has said that she has been beaten and thrown to the ground by demons. Marija Pavlovic-Lunetti has said that she has been strangled and choked by demons.

The Catholic Church has not taken a position on the claim that demons have been seen arriving at Medjugorje during the apparitions. However, the Church has said that the Medjugorje apparitions are a private revelation, and that they are not necessary for salvation.

Whether or not you believe that demons have been seen arriving at Medjugorje during the apparitions, there is no doubt that Medjugorje is a place of intense spiritual activity. It is a place where many people have experienced profound conversions and healings. It is also a place where many people have experienced spiritual attacks.

If you are planning to visit Medjugorje, it is important to be prepared for both the good and the bad. Be prepared to experience the joy of God’s presence, but also be prepared to experience spiritual attacks. And most importantly, be prepared to pray.