Patrick Novecosky talks about his important new book “100 Ways Pope John Paul II Changed the World”.
Bill and Patrick discuss The Third Secret of Fatima
The Full Interview

Mystic Post TV with Bill McIntosh Interview excerpt: Pope St. John Paul II had an intense devotion to the Black Madonna known as Our Lady of Czestochowa at the Jasna Gora Monastery in Poland to which he often went on pilgrimage. But as Patrick Novecosky, author of 100 WAYS JOHN PAUL II CHANGED THE WORLD explains, a pious legend points to an extraordinary origin of that painting…
About the 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World
“There is no evil to be faced that Christ does not face with us. There is no enemy that Christ has not already conquered. There is no cross to bear that Christ has not already borne for us, and does not now bear with us.” Pope Saint John Paul II embodied these words throughout his life. Born May 18, 1920, in Wadowice, Poland, Karol Józef Wojtyła lived in times of political turmoil. As a young man during the Nazi occupation of Poland, he studied in an underground seminary.
As pope, he was instrumental in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe. Through it all, he maintained an unwavering hope in the ultimate triumph of love, truth, and beauty. He remains a hero to millions of people for his unflinching defense of the Church and her teachings. John Paul II changed the world in many ways; this book describes 100 of the most important.
Each of the 100 accomplishments, teachings, or stories about John Paul II is fascinating, providing a glimpse into the astounding life and impact of this great and beloved saint. Click here to register for the related webcast “No one can deny that Pope Saint John Paul II had a staggering impact on the world. Among other things, he was a political visionary, a cultural influencer, an artist, a formidable thinker and theologian, and above all, a courageous shepherd of the people of God.
Patrick Novecosky has done the Church and the world an invaluable service by highlighting 100 of the most important ways in which this beloved saint transformed the world by urging souls to ‘Be not afraid,’ and to allow themselves to fall deeply in love with Christ.” — Raymond Arroyo, EWTN News Director and New York Times bestselling author.
“Pope Saint John Paul II was a leader in every sense — spiritual, moral, intellectual, and political. With vision, charisma, and most of all love, he exerted a profound and lasting influence on the Church and the world, and that influence continues today — 100 years after his birth. Of course, he changed the world in millions of ways that no book will ever be able to capture. But in 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World, Patrick Novecosky offers a sweeping picture of the astonishing impact of this great man.
Read this book and share it with everyone you know.” — Senator Rick Santorum “I cannot think of anyone who has had a bigger impact on the world in recent years than Saint John Paul II. Patrick has masterfully described 100 ways in which this saint has brought about global change.
This list is important as it reminds us of the changes that must be upheld and provides inspiration to those who want to bring about 100 more changes!” — Jeff Cavins, founder of The Great Adventure Bible Study “To many, Saint John Paul II was the only pope they knew while growing up.
However, many younger Catholics have yet to discover the greatness of his life and legacy. In his book 100 Ways John Paul II Changed the World, Patrick Novecosky offers a wealth of stories and examples that will rekindle devotion in all for this tremendous saint!” — Jason Evert, author of Saint John Paul the Great and Theology of the Body in One Hour “Patrick entered the winner’s circle when he wrote this book, unpacking the historical papacy of Saint John Paul into 100 topics that reveal the breadth, depth, and beauty of his long pontificate.
Thorough, well-researched and documented, yet easily readable, 100 Ways unveils the brightness of John Paul’s soul, the brilliance of his mind, and the boldness of his travels and initiatives such as World Youth Days.
Behind every gesture, every prayer, every innovation, every apostolic trip, every bold move was John Paul’s simple, childlike, trusting faith in both God and mankind. Patrick’s personal stories and memories of Saint John Paul enhance this riveting journey through a unique papacy, and leave you awed, inspired and thankful for this saintly pontiff.” — Joan Lewis, EWTN’s Rome Bureau Chief “A fascinating and enjoyable commentary, rich with insights into the many…