“What charms you most in the apparitions, what fascinates and enchants you most?”

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Interview with Visionary Vicka Ivankovi?

Excerpts taken from book: Krešimir Šego, “Time of Grace”, published by Ziral in Mostar

Q: You and the other visionaries are at a meeting every day with Our Lady, that is, with the other world, with paradise. Can this life be compared with the one that awaits us in the world beyond?

Vicka: Our Lady says that we on earth can live paradise, hell or purgatory, depending on what a man will decide for. Likewise, she says that here on earth many think that death is the end of everything. Our Lady herself confirmed that we are only sojourners on earth and that never can we compare generic form of ativan this world with what awaits us in heaven.

Q:What charms you most in the apparitions, what fascinates and enchants you most?

Vicka:Maybe the feeling as if you were no more on earth, as if you were suspended in air.



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