Cancer from head to toe healed at St. James Church after promise. Our Lady: “Now you are my daughter”

This story was originally published in Italian – Translated by Google Translate Source: La Luce Di Maria
Among the many testimonies of people who believe they have received signs from Mary, Colleen Willard may be one of the most powerful.
She was from Chicago and was suffering from an aggressive brain tumor. The disease quickly began to overwhelm ber whole body. Everything in her was dying, expect the most important thing – her faith. She pleaded to her family not to
Medjugorje: a priest had predicted his journey
Her brain and spinal cord did not respond to any treatment, as the specialists of the Mayo Clinic said, but she did not want to give up and, above all, she wanted to go to Medjugorje: Not even 24 hours later a person came to my house who had done many pilgrimages to Medjugorje. I told her that I would like to go , but how would it have been possible in her condition?
“I then prayed to the Blessed Mother if she could please give
The impediments were many, since it took a lot of money to get to Medjugorje, in addition to the permissions of the doctors, to be able to move, in such a precarious state of health.
At that point, the call from a friendly priest was decisive: ” I am Father Agniello .This morning I was before the Blessed Sacrament telling me to tell you that you must go to Medjugorje and when you go you will climb the mountain “.
Thus, Colleen Willard overcame every obstacle, thanks to prayer, and arrived before the seer Vicka. Strangely, in the midst of all the crowd around her, Vicka felt she had to head for Colleen
And I felt physical relief, but this was secondary to the divine presence, so much so that if I had asked my life right away I would have said yes “.
Then, Colleen Willard went to the Holy Mass in the church of St.
And here Colleen Willard got up from the wheelchair that had accompanied her up there, while her husband looked at her in disbelief. The next day he went to the top of Mount Krizevac: “I came to the top and prostrated myself before the cross, thanking also for the gift of suffering”.
Antonella Sanicanti