Medjugorje: A special Prayer as we wait for tomorrow’s September 2, 2019 apparition…Also be aware of Last year’s message when the world was warned – “the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you.”

September 2, 2018 Special Message
“Dear children, my words are simple but are filled with motherly love and care. My children, all the more the shadows of darkness and deception are being cast over you, and I am calling you to the light and truth—I am calling you to my Son. Only He can transform despair and suffering into peace and clarity; only He can give hope in the deepest pain.
My Son is the life of the world. The more that you come to know Him—the more that you come close to Him—all the more you will love Him, because my Son is love. Love changes everything; it makes most beautiful also that which, without love, seems insignificant to you.
That is why, anew, I am saying to you that you must love a lot if you desire to grow spiritually. I know, apostles of my love, that it is not always easy, but, my children, also the painful paths are paths which lead to spiritual growth, to faith, and to my Son.
My children, pray—think of my Son. In all the moments of the day, raise your soul to Him, and I will gather your prayers as flowers from the most beautiful garden and give them as a gift to my Son. Be true apostles of my love; spread the love of my Son to everyone. Be gardens of the most beautiful flowers. With your prayers help your shepherds that they may be spiritual fathers filled with love for all people. Thank you.”
A Special Prayer to Heal Your Soul
Lord Jesus Christ! Thou Who meekly died on the trunk of the Cross for us, submitting Thy Will completely to Thy Heavenly Father in order to bring peace and to offer Thy most Holy Death to Thy Heavenly Father in order to free…(this person)… and to hide from him what he has earned with his sins; grant this, O Eternal Father! Through Our Lord, Jesus, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in union with the Holy Spirit now and forever. Amen.
This video was sent to Mystic Post and was taken on September 2, 2018 by pilgrim in attendance at Mirjana’s apparition .
Please turn volume up.\
This video was sent to Mystic Post and was taken on September 2, 2018 by pilgrim in attendance at Mirjana’s apparition .
Please turn volume up.
Why don’t you turn to JESUS you idolaters, you brood of vioers?
Your lady will not come tomorrow or any other time, because she is dead and dead people cannot do nothing.
And you have been living all this time, because she has never appeared to you, and you know this, because you know well you are a lier
Dear Vito,
She is alive! When you go to sleep and you close your eyes I’m sure that you will see her face!
She is the mother of Our Lord. He raised the dead and He will let His own mother die!!
We are not idiots we are her sons and daughters that Our Lord on the cross asked Her to take care of us.
The scripture reference you are referring to is John 19:25-27. It does NOT say that Jesus asked her to take care of us, in fact it says exactly the opposite, Jesus was committing His Mother to John’s care.
Also, there is not one scriptural evidence that Jesus raised Mary from Death, or that He kept her from Dying, or anything like that. The fact is, she died, and is dead, and will not be resurrected until the Rapture (catching away) of the Church when Jesus comes back for us. Mary cannot do anything for you or anyone else in this current life. Jesus is the one we are told in the scriptures to trust in and call on (John 16:23-26)