This evening Our Lady came especially joyful and happy among us all.
As soon as she arrived she greeted everyone with her usual maternal greeting:
“Praised be Jesus, my dear children”.
Then Our Lady stretched out her hands And she prayed above us all, especially above you sick people present at this meeting and above you priests present at this meeting.
Then Our Lady turned to all of us with the following words:
“Dear children, particularly I invite you all to pray for my intentions because I, through your prayers and through you, I can stop Satan’s plans that every day take you further and further away from God, they put themselves before God and destroy all that is beautiful in the world.
Pray dear children. the Mother prays together with all of you.
Thanks dear children because even today you have responded to my call ”.
Then Our Lady gave us her maternal blessing
and likewise she blessed all sacred objects that we brought here for the blessing.
Then I recommended all of you, your needs, your families, your needs,
all of you that in a particular way you have recommended yourselves in prayer during these days,
all your needs that you all carry in your hearts. Our Lady more than anyone knows our hearts.
Then Our Lady for a period of time she continued to pray over all of us
and in this prayer she went away in the sign of light and the cross
with the greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children”.
Here dear friends, how much more important of tonight’s meeting with Our Lady.
Our Lady invites us today as you have heard for her intentions because through our prayers,
She stops Satan’s plans, these satanic projects that every day they distance us further and further from God, who put themselves before God and destroy all that is beautiful in this world and in ourselves. Once again I greet you all dear friends.