October 19, 2018 Message to Ivan on Apparition Hill…”Accept God’s will with love.”

The words of the Queen of Peace given to Ivan, seer of Medjugorje, this evening around 9.00 pm at the Blue Cross.

Dear friends, here is what Ivan told us about the apparition he had  tonight, Friday 19 October 2018, on Podbrdo at 21:00: 

“Like every day, after my meeting with the Madonna, I would like to approach all of you and describe the meeting tonight a little bit. Even today, Our Lady has come to us joyful and happy and, at the beginning, she greeted us all with her maternal greeting:

“May Jesus be praised, my dear children!”

Then she prayed for a period of time over us with outstretched hands. She prayed in particular about you sick present.

Then Our Lady briefly addressed all of us, saying: 

“Dear children, even today in a particular way I wish to invite you to accept God’s will with love.
I invite you in particular to pray for the sick, so that they accept their cross and  God’s will to glorify through them. I pray for all of you, dear children and present you all to my Son. Thank you for responding to my call “.

Then Our Lady blessed us all with her maternal blessing and blessed all that you have brought.  Then Our Lady continued to pray for a period of time. Then she left has gone the sign of light and of the cross, with the greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children! “