Pope Francis’ invitation: “Pray the Holy Rosary, for the Church and for peace!” A Prayer to Mary for Healing and Release. October 28, 2019
After this Sunday’s Angelus , Pope Francis renewed the invitation to pray the “Rosary for the mission of the Church, in particular for missionaries and missionaries who encounter greater difficulties”. From the Pontiff also the exhortation “to pray the Rosary for peace”
Amedeo Lomonaco – Vatican City for Vaticannews.va
The month of October, dedicated to Our Lady of the Rosary, this year is also a special time to awaken the awareness of the missio ad gentes. In fact, 100 years have passed since the Apostolic Letter Maximum Illud promulgated by Pope Benedict XV to give new impetus to the missionary responsibility to announce the Gospel. To celebrate this anniversary, Francis announced the extraordinary missionary month October 2019. Recalling the ecclesial density of this month, the Pope renewed after the Angelus the invitation to pray the Rosary for the Church’s mission and for peace:
This is the last Sunday of October, a missionary month, which this year had an extraordinary character, and is also the month of the Rosary. I renew the invitation to pray the Rosary for the mission of the Church today, especially for missionaries and missionaries who encounter greater difficulties. And at the same time we continue to pray the Rosary for peace. The Gospel and peace walk together.

Mary brings the love of Jesus
The pontificate of Francis is deeply linked to Mary. The Pope, when he meets people in the various audiences, gives a rosary crown. Immediately after his election to the throne of Peter, he went to Santa Maria Maggiore, entrusting his pontificate to the “Salus Popoli Romani”. In this Basilica he always goes before and after every international journey. The Pope repeatedly invited the faithful to entrust themselves to Mary. On October 23, 2013, during the general audience , he stated: “Our Lady wants to bring us too, all of us, the great gift that is Jesus; and with him he brings us his love, his peace, his joy. Thus the Church is like Mary: the Church is not a shop, it is not a humanitarian agency, the Church is not an NGO, the Church is sent to bring Christ and its Gospel to everyone; she does not bring herself – if small, if large, if strong, if weak, the Church brings Jesus and must be like Mary when she went to visit Elizabeth “.
Prayer to Mary
At the end of the Marian month in 2013 , reciting the Rosary in the square, the Pope recited this prayer:
“Mary, woman of listening, make our ears open; let us know how to listen to the Word of your Son Jesus among the thousand words of this world; let us know how to listen to the reality in which we live, every person we meet, especially the one who is poor, needy, in difficulty. Mary, the woman of decision, illuminates our mind and our heart, because we know how to obey the Word of your Son Jesus, without hesitation; give us the courage to decide, not to let ourselves be drawn so that others orient our lives. Mary, woman of action, let our hands and feet move “hurriedly” towards others, to bring the love and love of your Son Jesus, to bring the light of Gospel. Amen”.
Please pray for my son Patrick Mark San Nicolas Muna and girlfriend Laura Ann Kendall to be protected from any harm and seek help to be treated from their drugs addiction. And for my grandson Peyton Kurtis Tiffany Muna to behave positively at school and be a strong child from any discomforts that he faces at school, home, or anywhere. And for me, to be strong to continue raising up my two grandchildren and to be healthy so I can live longer to see them grow up into good children of God.