Sister Andrè: 116 years in the service of God and the poor – Oldest woman in Europe is a Nun ..Pray for Sister Andrè:.. Her life? Completely dedicated to the poor, orphans and the elderly.

She is the oldest woman in Europe, and she is also a nun: the life of Sister Andrè in front of 116 candles to blow out.

A life dedicated to prayer, this was her secret. Sister Andrè and her 116 years lived following only God.


Sister Andrè: 116 years with God

The oldest woman in Europe is 116 years old and she is also a nun. We are talking about Sister Andrè from the convent of Sanit Vincent De Paul. Born in 1904, with the name of Lucille Randon: she was born under the Third French Republic, she went through two world wars and saw the succession of 10 Popes.

A life, her, lived in prayer and listening to the Word of God. Despite everything, he wanted to celebrate his birthday in the Sainte-Catherine-Labouré retirement home in Toulon, where he currently resides.


Her life

A woman with a big heart and great courage. Born of a Protestant family, she was baptized at 26 years old and, at 40 years old, she entered the Order of the Daughters of Charity . Her life? Completely dedicated to the poor, orphans and the elderly. SHe spent 28 years of his monastic life at the Vichy hospital precisely to assist the poor and the sick. And at the age of 105, in 2009, she finally decided to devote himself to rest, to better pray and meditate on the Word of God.

Sister Andre: “That’s why I chose this name”

To those who asked why she chose Andrè as the “new name”, she replied: ” I chose the name of my brother, the only perplexed member of the family for my vocation “.

The secret: Pray!

Her life is closely linked with God: “ I have been on the point of death three times and I have come out of it three times. I do not know how. I had a twin who died when she was only one and a half years old from an accident. Maybe God wanted me to live my sister’s days too, “he said. But to those who ask her what is the real secret to living so long, Sister André’s eyes light up: ” Being still able to pray , despite being blind and in a wheelchair “.

An example of life lived in the service of the least and for the least. A life dedicated to God and rewarded with the grace of a long life. May the Lord always protect you Sister Andrè.

Happy birthday!