Spirit Daily: “Pilgrimage with a Purpose” – Fatima, Lourdes Crucial For Our Times, For Our Nation.
Call it a pilgrimage with a purpose.
We plan to pray prayers of consecration for the U.S. at Fatima, pray in a special way for the souls at Avila, invoke the Immaculate Conception to mitigate otherwise common events at Lourdes, and at that special miraculous place, pray deeply for healing our families — physically and spiritually.
At Santarem, we’ll pray for the Church before the miraculous Eucharistic Miracle.
For we’re headed for Fatima, Lourdes, Avila, the incredible Host at Santarem, the church of Saint Anthony, and other stops this September. For those interested, an extension will be optional for Paris and Lisieux, or Medjugorje!
Pray about joining us.
We think it’ll be special and certainly we will be praying—will be storming Heaven—for exactly that!
Fatima is hardly old news. This is brought out, if you don’t mind my saying, in the new book, Future Events, which shows that the Third Secret of Fatima has not yet been fully realized: that its forecast of monumental global events — including geophysical and military events — is anything but yesterday’s news; quite the opposite!
We’re seeing it unfold—and events headed in the direction of that set of predictions—every single day, one more intense than another.
You know it. You can feel it. It’s sensed across the board. This is why there is so much focus, in the secular realm, even on something like an eclipse.
Folks everywhere — Marian or not, Catholic or not Catholic, Christian or other — are perceiving something in the Spirit.
We certainly are, and seek to reconsecrate ourselves to the Blessed Mother during this trip—first in front of the extraordinary miracle in Spain, a Host still visible, still within reach, in Spain.
The first time we visited—the only previous time—we were taken fully aback by the power, the feeling, the intensity.
How can one start better than before Him?

This alone is worth the journey.

We move on from there to Avila and the very place the great Saint Teresa of Avila—doctor of the Church—spent so much of her life and where her body is interred.
Once more: a truly special spiritual moment, a lift, a connection. Grace.
We’ll invoke her in a special way, right there where she herself prayed and had visions of the afterlife (including purgatory and hell, which she visited).

I neglected to mention that the trip starts upon landing with another great saint at St. Anthony’s Church in Lisbon. The patron saint of lost things is best known as St. Anthony of Padua (Italy), but he was born and baptized here in Lisbon, Portugal.
The church where we will celebrate Mass was built on the site of Saint Anthony’s birth. What have we “lost” in our lives? What are we still trying to find?

You will feel the presence of saints.
You will feel detachment from the frenzy, the craziness, the errancy of the world.
We seek a fresh perspective, one that pilgrimages like this afford.
For more than a week, we will seek to rise above the world and its attachments, its drudgeries, its rancor and divisiveness. Heal us, oh Lord! Be with us in a special way, dear mother!
It’s a classic journey.
And we will be praying specific, special prayers at each stop, led by a holy Marian priest we know so well, Father Stephen Leake of Louisiana.
The prayer of consecration itself will take place right where the Blessed Virgin asked for the consecration of the world: on the tarmac at the Chapel of Apparitions in Fatima.
If you’ve not been here, you want to go. If you already have, it’s new each time, as you may know if you’ve returned.

We’ll pray at the tombs of the famous seers, Saint Francisco, Saint Jacinta, and Sister Lucia, who received an “elucidation” expanding on the famous secret. We’ll discuss that prophetic illumination near her very grave.
We’ll experience Christ’s unconditional Love by participating in the Stations of the Cross along the Via Sacra. (“The Sacred Way” marks the path the shepherd children took to the first apparition of Our Lady of Fatima!)

I will give talks here on the prophetic aspects — and detail the vastly underappreciated aspects of the Third Secret, relating them to what is going on around us (and what will be intensifying throughout this year and onward).
After visiting the historic city of Salamanca, and Loyola — to visit the birthplace of St. Ignatius, founder of the Jesuit Order, and pray in the very place where he wrote his famous “Spiritual Exercises” — we’ll pray on the bus and continue to the spectacular vistas of the Pyrenees Mountains and Lourdes.
Nowhere surpasses Lourdes. It’s as dynamic as Guadalupe and Medjugorje.
No question: you feel Mary there.
The spirit of the Blessed Mother — the Holy Spirit — is still there in abundance. The last time I visited, I had an intense experience of the sun miracle.
This is a place of physical healing, yes — but also spiritual healing. What plagues our lives? Our families? Our family trees? What physical protection do we seek?
The waters here are the closest we come to the living waters of Heaven — the living waters that will one day cleanse our souls and repair the damage of earth, that will one day purify us, that will heal all tears or darknesses in our souls.
Pray. See. Enjoy. Cleanse. The feeling of purity! Renew yourself. The journey of life is difficult.
Praise God for His good tests.
“I am the Immaculate Conception.”
Join us. Pray with us. If you can’t come, join us in spirit. We will pray for you. Pray that it will be the very special and unforgettable time we sense it can and will be.
The goal of any pilgrimage should be direct entry upon death into Heaven, and so ultimately this is the focus of our trip and our prayers: getting directly to the Lord’s eternal Presence upon passing, cleansing here, correcting now, while we are still in this world of tests.
–Michael H. Brown
[Click HERE for the link, or call 800-206-TOUR (8687) or write sales@206tours.com The pilgrimage is being organized by 206 Tours, a totally proficient, experienced Catholic pilgrim company that provides abdolutely top-notch places to stay, meals, and other amenities without making it touristy. If you have a question you want to pose directly to me, it’s mbrown4537@aol.com]. From 206:
[Your trip includes
- Round-trip airfare from your desired Airport * or book without airfare (land only option)
- All airport taxes & fuel surcharges
- Hotel accommodations: (or similar) in double occupancy
- Post Tour hotel accommodations:
- OR:
- Three days in Medjugorje!
- Post Tour To Medjugorje
with Spirit DailySeptember 11 – 15, 2024 - Whisper headsets
- Transfers as per itinerary
- Breakfast and Dinner daily
- Wine with dinners
- Free book signed by Michael
- Prayer booklets
- Transportation by air-conditioned motor coach
- Assistance of local guide throughout
- Sightseeing and admissions fees as per itinerary
- Catholic Priest, Mass daily & Spiritual activities
- Luggage handling (1 piece per person)
Centrally located hotels or similar

Lumen Lisboa Hotel
Hotel Sao Jose
Fatima, Portugal
Abba Fonseca
Salamanca, Spain
Abba Burgos
Burgos, Spain
Grand Hotel Moderne
Lourdes, France
- Not Included
- Lunches, Tips to your guide & driver, gift for priest.]