The Little-Known Medjugorje Prophecy about Poland…Prophecy Hinted At Nuclear War “A great conflict” More Signs of Prophecy Fulfilled: 70% of Poles Went to Confession before Easter
The little-known prophecy took place in October of 1981 …In response to a question posed by the visionaries to the Blessed Mother: “What will become of Poland?” … Our Lady answered: “There will be great conflicts but in the end, the just will take over”. (Presumably the visionaries were asking about Poland because of the attempted assassination on Pope John Paul II just a few months earlier.) Source
The prophecy has two themes: 1. “Great conflicts” and 2. “The just will take over”.
First – there can be no doubt that great conflicts took place shortly after Our Lady’s prediction. Poland was a communist country but a religious revolution was unfolding in Gdansk, led by Pope John Paul II, Lech Walesa and “Solidarity”. The Cold War reached a peak in 1985 during the European / Russia missile crisis. In response to President Reagan’s “star wars” threat Russia almost launched a nuclear attack in 1985 – in fact, Fatima Visionary claims the nuclear war was averted. Very few Americans are aware how close the world came to an all-out nuclear war in 1985. Fatima Visionary claims the consecration of Russia by Pope John Paul II averted the war.
From Spirit Daily”: According to interviews of former Soviet officials in Newsweek and on PBS after the fall of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Union was going to hit USA with a nuclear strike because they thought Reagan was planning a nuclear strike on them.
Sr. Lucia, the sole surviving visionary from Fatima, in an interview with a bishop present in 1993, said that a nuclear war was scheduled between the Soviet Union and the U.S. for 1985 which is why the Pope was shot on May 13, 1981, to get his attention. The 1984 consecration averted this war.
The second part of the extraordinary Medjugorje prophecy is: “The just will take over” Recently Poland has seen a dramatic spiritual renewal and may now be the most Marian/Catholic country on earth.
Please read this article from La Luce di Maria

If there is a nation in which the Catholic faith is not in the least affected by a decline, this is Poland. As surprising as it may seem, the East European country has marked a boom in confessions with over 25 million inhabitants who have confessed before Easter (67% of the population). The country, once belonging to the former Soviet Union, has always had a great Catholic tradition and has for some time been consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Our Lady and today is one of the Catholic nations par excellence. Not really a novelty, therefore, if more than half of the population has respected the Easter custom, but also for a country so strongly Catholic, 67% of the population represents a new peak.
Night at the Confessional, the winning initiative of Polish parish priests
The merit of these numbers is the Polish priests of Warsaw , Krakow , Lublin and Wraklow who decided to keep the churches open even during the night, so as to meet those who had not had the time or the way to go to confession. The amazing results obtained thanks to ‘Notte al Confessionale’ have been published today by the agency that deals with Anal Cbos surveys.
In addition to the data on confessions, what is striking about the survey is the spirit with which the Poles face Easter: if 44% consider Easter to be a strictly religious event, 67% believe it is a day to spend with the family, while 50% even chose to limit non-religious activities such as watching TV or going out with friends to be with the family in recollection.Lastly, 85% of people abstain from meat consumption on Good Friday and every Friday of the year, while the blessing of food at table is also appreciated by non-believers as part of the Polish tradition.
Luca Scapatello