“The power Satan holds will be taken away.”… THE WARNING-The Coming Illumination of Conscience of Souls…Sprinkle Clean Water…
This message from the Virgin to visionary Mirjana was immediately sent to Pope John Paul II. “With the events that are being prepared in the future for the world, the power that he still holds will be taken from Satan.”
By Brian K. Kravec
It’s not a stretch to think that humanity is a hot mess. We live in an era in which “people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). Even among the ranks of our dearest Catholic brothers and sisters, there are so many who “call evil good, and good evil, who change darkness to light, and light into darkness, who change bitter to sweet, and sweet to bitter” (Isaiah 5:20). The world is in need of a reset. That Divine reset is coming and it’s called the “Warning” or the “Illumination of Conscience”.
Through authentic accounts of saints and mystics of the Church, past and present, a captivating new book by Christine Watkins, THE WARNING: TESTIMONIES AND PROPHECIES OF THE ILLUMINATION OF CONSCIENCE, offers the world the most thorough understanding to date of this critical moment in human history when every person alive will see their soul in the light of divine truth.
Rampant sin, corruption of the human race, violence, and increase of wickedness resulted in the total destruction and purification of the world with the great flood and later, the annihilation of Sodom and Gomorrah with sulfur and fire. In our time, not at all unlike the times of Noah and Abraham, God is sending the Warning — perhaps the greatest act of mercy in the history of the world — to illuminate and remedy the darkened conscience of the world so as to set humanity on the path of deliverance and healing.
“The maturity of conscience, most difficult to evaluate today, is the discernment between evil and good. Humanity has performed so many evil deeds that its conscience is now darkened by sin. We will need a terrible warning, and many will refuse to listen—a terrible warning. Most people will not heed it, but it will be essential to replace the moral order. Many have lived using their freedom for every kind of pleasure, and they are under the gaze of our God; but this judgment will be direct—at the same time, with His tenderness—and they will be forced to recognize their sin and to separate their sin from their goodness. This time, the sins of the world will be revealed.” – Saint Pope Paul VI (1897-1978)

The prophecies of the Warning, effectively gathered and presented in the book, have come through many saints and mystics of different ages, times, and places, including St. Pope Pius IX, St. Pope Paul VI, St. Faustina Kowalska, Blessed Anna Maria Taigi, and Servant of God, Maria Esperanza.
Jesus to St. Faustina: “Write this: before I come as the Just Judge, I come as the King of Mercy. Before the day of justice arrives, this sign in the sky will be given to mankind. All light in the heavens will be extinguished, and there will be great darkness over the whole earth. Then the sign of the Cross will be seen in the sky, and from the holes where the hands and the feet of the Savior were nailed will come forth a brilliant light, which will illuminate the Earth for a period of time. This will take place shortly before the last day.” (Diary #83)
Bishop Gavin Ashenden, Chaplain to the Queen of England (2008-2017), comments in his foreword, “Every so often a book falls into one’s hands that is particularly powerful in unveiling the mystery and power of God’s purpose for his Church today, and this is one such.” At a time in our country and our world when many perceive and worry over humanity’s moral and spiritual decline, saints and mystics from the 16th century through the present day assure us that God has planned a coming Day of Mercy in order to correct the conscience of the world.
“Christine Watkins has done a tremendous work…invaluable and timely” says Mark Mallet.
“Inspirational…I highly recommend it,” says Fr. John Struzzo. “The most thorough understanding of The Warning that I have every read.”
Monsignor Ralph J. Chieffo urges, “Read this prophetic book and believe.”
Dr. Mark Miravalle, one of the world’s preeminent Marian theologians, writes, “The Warning should be widely read and discerned seriously with an open mind.”
“The Warning is a fascinating book that deals with a rarely discussed and immensely important subject in the history of Christian mysticism: the illumination of conscience. . . The powerful stories of this beautiful work can illuminate the minds and souls of many in their search for answers, offering them the gift of truth.“ (Deacon Brother Daniel Klimek, T.O.R.)
Not only does The Warning substantiate an event of monumental importance, which appears to be on the horizon of time, but it also carries the reader through compelling testimonies of those who have already experienced it personally and against their will. The book culminates in the spell-binding story of Marino Restrepo, hailed as a St. Paul for our century. Formerly a well-to-do Hollywood music producer who sank into serious sin and the New Age movement, he endured a torturous kidnapping by Colombian guerilla rebels for over half a year, during which he experienced an illumination of conscience. In addition, he received a unique gift of infused knowledge of divine matters, which he has been sharing with the world since 1999 with the full approval of his bishop.
[resources: The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience and Michael Brown retreats: Florida and North Carolina]
The Virgin has revealed to Mirjana many aspects of the future, so far more than those told to the other seers. For this reason I report here what Mirjana told me in the interview. I summarize the essential aspects of her story, without quoting to the letter:
– Before the visible sign that will be given to humanity, there will be three warnings to the world. Warnings will be events that will happen on earth. Mirjana will be a witness. Three days before one of the warnings, she will inform a priest of her choice. The testimony of Mirjana will be a confirmation of the apparitions and an incitement to the conversion of the world.
After the warnings, the visible sign will come on the site of the apparitions in Medjugorje, for all of humanity. The sign will be given as a testimony of the apparitions and an invitation to faith.
– The ninth and tenth secrets are serious. They are a punishment for the sins of the world. Punishment is inevitable, because the conversion of the whole world should not be expected. Punishment can be mitigated by prayers and penance, but it can not be avoided. According to the seventh secret, an evil that threatened the world was canceled thanks to prayer and fasting, says Mirjana. For this reason, the Virgin continues to invite to prayer and fasting: – You have forgotten that with prayer and fasting you can ward off war and suspend natural laws.
– After the first warning, the others will follow shortly. Men will have time to convert.
– This time is the period of grace and conversion. After the visible sign, those who will remain alive will have little time for conversion. For this reason, the Virgin calls for urgent conversion and reconciliation.
– The invitation to prayer and penance is destined to ward off evil and war and above all to save souls.
– According to Mirjana, we find ourselves close to the events predicted by the Virgin. In the name of this experience, Mirjana tells humanity:
– Convert yourselves as soon as possible, open your hearts to God.
In addition to this essential message,
– Excuse me for this, but you must know that Satan exists; one day he presented himself before the throne of God and asked permission to tempt the Church for a certain period. God allowed him to test it for a century. This century is under the power of the devil, but when the secrets that have been entrusted to you are fulfilled, his power will be destroyed . Already now he begins to lose his power and has become aggressive: he destroys marriages, raises discord between priests, creates obsessions, murders. You must protect yourself with prayer and fasting; especially with community prayer. Take blessed symbols with you. Put them in your homes, resume the use of the holy water.“