The story behind this stunning painting of the Blessed Mother (The most perfect and beautiful?)
ARTIST: Richard L. George

Richard L George, Artist
Who I am:
Richard is a Catholic artist who received a B.A. in Theology from Franciscan University of Steubenville.
Over the years Richard has been blessed with learning and exploring a variety of artistic styles, techniques, and mediums including: fine art, graphic art, Iconography, digital 2D and 3D art & animation using everything from oils, pastels, watercolor, acrylic, egg tempera to digital 2d and 3d computer programs.
For the past 27 years he has enjoyed numerous religious art commissions. In addition, he has worked for 10 years as a 3D production artist/animator at an engineering firm, helping him to develop a greater attention to detail in his artwork.
As there have been many requests for prints, Richard began RL George Studio.
More About This Painting
This painting of Our Lady of Tihaljina, Our Lady of Grace made by artist Richard L George, is after the famous Italian-made statue of Our Lady of Grace which is located at Immaculate Conception Parish in the village of Tihaljina, Bosnia-Herzegovina.
Because of their parish namesake, the parishioners there have come to regard the statue as the Immaculate Conception. And what’s more, this image of Our Lady is also referred to as Our Lady of Tihaljina and Our Lady of Medjugorje. This is because many of the pilgrims who visited Medjugorje also visited the village of Tihaljina in order to hear the pastor, Fr Jozo Zovko, speak. Fr Jozo was the pastor of St James in Medjugorje in 1981 when the apparitions began.
In 1988 George, too, made a pilgrimage to Medjugorje that included a trip to Tihaljina. It was an over-whelming experience for the 21 year old, one that led him to stay on in Medjugorje for a few months.
The artist’s attempt was to make the image of the statue more alive and thus lift heart and mind to encounter Our Lady in prayer. He offers prints and gift items of his painting as opportunities for moments of grace.