“The Second Coming of the Mother and the Son” – The powerful prophecy of Our Lady of Roses ..Apparitions were as bright as the sun in the sky

Source; Marian apparitions Jobert Abiva


In the 1960s to the 80s, in the small village of San Damiano (Italy), the Blessed Virgin Mary was reported to have appeared to a poor Catholic laywoman named Mama Rosa.

The apparitions was called “Our Lady of Roses”, and among the notable features of the apparitions were pictures of the Virgin Mary depicted as bright as the sun in the sky.

Moreover, the visionary Mama Rosa also met with the “Vicar of Jesus Christ”, (Roman Catholic) Pope John Paul II (in the Vatican in Rome), and gave the Virgin’s messages.

However, the main message of Mother Mary as “Our Lady of Roses” states:

“Jesus’ role in salvation is nothing more than promoting devotion to his mother, who ordered the seer, Mama Rosa, to announce her Second Coming so that she could triumph throughout the whole world.”

Meanwhile, a lay Catholic mother (named Madeleine Aumont from a town in France), went on a pilgrimage to Italy to visit the “Our Lady of Roses” shrine and the visionary lady for her latest messages.

It was on December 8, the “Feast of the Immaculate Conception” (in honor of the Virgin Mary conceived without original sin).

The mother (Madeleine) was alone in her visit to the holy place where the Blessed Virgin very often appeared as the “Miraculous Virgin Mary of the Roses”.

And on that trip to Italy, she was with her son and her granddaughter, however, they stayed at the ‘homestay’ because they do not believe in the apparitions and messages of Mother Mary.

Then the mother (Madeleine) said that JESUS told her that she should share her story on what happened in the blessed place in their homestay:

“Many Graces have been granted to me ‘in this little Garden of Paradise’, as the ‘Sweet Mother of Roses’ calls it and where she leaves many visible signs for pilgrims.

After placing my bouquet of roses in front of the Blessed Virgin, I bought 3 pink roses that I took our ‘home’ to flower the oratory in my room, facing the head of my bed.

On my bed was my son resting, and my granddaughter was sitting at the foot of the bed and I sat by her.

Then I placed the 3 roses in a vase in front of the Madonna, a smaller version of the pretty statue of ‘Our Lady of Roses’.

My son asked me to tell them what I had seen that day in the pilgrimage, where the audience was very numerous, who listened to the visionary Mama Rosa.

I lowered my head to the roses, when suddenly, my son uttered a cry of surprise which filled the room. And then I asked: ‘What’s going on with you?’

And then I saw the rose stripped of all its petals scattered in the air, as if by a jet of water to form a crown around the Head of the Blessed Virgin, then falling slowly around her, surrounding her, as well as the framework of Jesus (Divine ​​Mercy) at her feet.

The petals covered the SON JESUS ​​and MOTHER MARY, and a strong sweet scent of roses filled the whole room.

My granddaughter and I couldn’t believe hearing my son tell us the vision that he saw, despite his usual skepticism (about the miracles related to the Virgin Mary).

And then, the 3 roses were again intact in the vase, and with the same freshness, as if we hadn’t seen the vision that happened.

So I tried to continue to tell about my pilgrimage, but my granddaughter shouted even louder than my son: ‘I saw! I saw! It’s not possible!’

And it was the same story of my granddaughter with the same passion of saying it:

‘Granny! The petals were thrown in the air fell like parachutes, falling gently! It was all pink at the feet of MOTHER MARY statue and in front of the SON JESUS!’

But at that moment, I only saw the intact roses in the vase. My children were talking to each other mystified, and saying: ‘But we saw the same thing!’

And that’s where I saw this miraculous wonder happen for me (as a believer in the Marian apparitions and messages of Mother Mary and her Son Jesus).

I can also tell it, the same way like that of the two children, but I was so amazed by the vision and by this sweet scent that I started to cry.

So many times my Sweet Heavenly Mother has spoken to me, so many times she has manifested herself through flowers and sweet scents – as much as my children have also become the sweet-scented roses (who now believes in her).

I am always moved to tears. Thank you, Sweet Heavenly Mother. Thank you, my Sweet JESUS. What a beautiful family memory!

And also, JESUS, who reminded me to share the miracle story of one of the many miracles, asked me to tell you that it will be in this way and in Truth that we will see and that we will live, all at the same time, the Coming of Christ in Glory with the Holy Mother of God, her Holy Angels, her Saints and the whole Family of Heaven…

And all Her Chosen Ones of the Earth, gathered wherever they are, will also rise up to Him, as these rose petals soared in the air to return gently, gently, to the ground with the SON JESUS, MOTHER MARY and all the Heaven of Glory.

This is the Holy and Wonderful Day of the Coming of JESUS ​​in Glory.


Your Messenger, a lay Catholic mother, with the Voice (of the Son of God) that always guides me, that SON JESUS ​​of the rural town (of Nazareth) is Lord and King.”