The secrets of Medjugorje: Our Lady revealed how to pray for the healing of the sick.
Our Lady has shown us how to obtain the healing of the sick. In fact in a message given to Medjugorje on August 18, 1982 tells us how we can heal our sick and how to heal from spiritual and corporal diseases.
Message given on August 18, 1982“For the healing of the sick a firm faith is necessary, a persevering prayer, accompanied by the offer of fasting and sacrifices. I can’t help those who don’t pray and don’t make sacrifices “
In the Message of September 11, 1986, the Queen of Peace said: “Dear children, for these days as you celebrate the cross, I wish the cross to be joy for you too. In a special way, dear children, pray to be able to accept sickness and suffering with love as Jesus accepted them. Only in this way will I be able to give you the graces of healing that Jesus allows me with joy. I can’t heal, only God can heal. Thank you because you answered my call. “
It is not possible to underestimate the extraordinary power of intercession enjoyed by Mary Most Holy before God.
There are many sick people who come to ask the help of Our Lady in Medjugorje to obtain healing from God: some have obtained it, others have instead obtained the gift of bearing their sufferings with joy and offering them to God.
The healings that took place in Medjugorje are many, according to the spontaneous testimonies of the healed or their family members, on the other hand they are less numerous for those who, rightly, demand a very strict medical documentation to endorse them. At the office for the findings of extraordinary healing opened by the same ARPA. more than 500 cases have been recorded in Medjugorje. A multi-specialist team coordinated by some doctors including Dr. Antonacci, the dott. Frigerio and by dr. Mattalia, have selected from these about 50 cases, in accordance with the strict protocol of the Bureau Medical de Lourdes, which had the characteristics of immediacy, wholeness and irreversibility as well as being incurable diseases for official medical science. Famous healings are those of Lola Falona, sick of multiple sclerosis, of Diana Basile suffering from multiple sclerosis, of Emanuela NG, a doctor, recovered from a brain tumor, of Dr. Antonio Longo, pediatrician, who for a long time suffered from colon cancer . (see www.Miracoli and Healings in Medjugorje). I would also like to mention here the Message of September 8, 1986 which said: “Many sick, many needy have begun to pray for their own healing here in Medjugorje. But, returning home, they soon left out the prayer, thus losing the chance to receive the grace they are waiting for. “
Also Read Medjugorje: Mirjana tells what we are allowed to know about the fisrt two secrets

When, what and how can we receive healing here too?
Certainly, there are times and places in which the Lord grants graces and healings through the intercession of Mary or the Saints, but at any time and in every place he can give his graces.
I briefly remember the sacraments of healing the soul and body:
1- Confession, understood not only as an interior washing, but, according to the multiple requests of the Queen of Peace, as a journey of conversion that engages all life …, and therefore regular and periodic.
2- The anointing of the Sick, which is not only “Extreme Unction”, but the Anointing for the healing of the sick (even the advanced age is a disease from which one no longer heals ..). And how many times we fear it and neglect it for ourselves or for our sick family members!
3- Prayer before the Cross. And here I would like to recall the Message of March 25, 1997 which said: “Dear children! Today I invite you in a special way to take the cross in your hands and meditate on the wounds of Jesus. Ask Jesus to heal your wounds, which you, dear children, have received during your life because of your sins or because of the sins of your parents. Only in this way you will understand, dear children, that in the world the healing of faith in God the creator is necessary. Through the passion and death of Jesus on the cross, you will understand that only with prayer can you also become true apostles of faith, living, in simplicity and in prayer, the faith that is a gift. Thank you for having responded to my call. “
4- The prayers of healing … We know that almost every evening after Meditation in Medjugorje, the prayer of healing of the soul and the body is made, while there are those who go and those who come and also those who remain in prayer. We remember the Message of October 25, 2002: “Dear children, I call you to prayer also today. Little children, believe that with simple prayer one can work miracles. Through your prayer, you open your heart to God and He works miracles in your life. Looking at the fruits, your heart is filled with joy and gratitude to God for all he does in your life and, through you, for others. Pray and believe, children, God gives you graces and you do not see them. Pray and you will see them. May your day be filled with prayer and thanks for all that God gives you. Thank you for having responded to my call. “
5- The Eucharist: Let us remember how many healings take place in Lourdes in the Eucharistic Processions, before the Eucharist. For this reason I would like to develop this point briefly, according to a study already known: “The five healings” that can be received in every Holy Mass …
The healing of the soul: It takes place from the beginning of the celebration until the Oration of the day or Collection. It is the healing of the soul from sin, especially from those habitual, from the sins of which the cause or root is not understood. For serious sins it is necessary to confess first, but here we can thank the Lord for having been freed or for the pardons received … Before healing the bodies Jesus heals the souls. (see Mk. 2.5). Sin is the source of all evil and death. Sin is the root of all evil!