This is why “It’s not appearance that counts, it’s the peace of the heart that counts”

Dear father Father Livio, thank you for what you do and thanks to Radio Maria. 

I try to follow your teachings, I listen to your radio.

I have noticed that many people are in a hurry, fast as if to escape someone or something. My person, on the other hand, is at Peace with himself and with others. 

I am not afraid of returning to the Father’s House and when He wants my person is ready to respond to His call with a “Yes”, His Will be done. 

The return to the Father’s House is the Beginning not the end. You teach me these things and I humbly thank you. 

Even though we run and hide, we escape from the Return to the Father’s House. We must all return to It.

Material things don’t matter, but the goodness of mind and good heart of a human being does.

It is not appearance that counts, but charity, humility, wisdom, faith, hope, all the virtues that you can teach me, what counts is the Peace of the Heart. 

Excuse my language but it is a humble outburst. Thank you for what you do in Italy and around the world. 


Dear Vicenzo,

you have found the hidden treasure that makes life happy and is the Peace of the Heart. You found it by seeking God with a humble and simple Heart because God is our Peace.

When the Peace of God descends into our Heart, we have peace with ourselves and with others.

Life flows peacefully even in the midst of difficulties and we don’t need other things.

When you don’t have peace of heart you run, hide and escape from the Return to the Father’s House.

He described well the situation of modern man who does not want God and is heading towards perdition.

On the other hand, those who have Peace of Heart are not afraid of returning to the Father’s House, but are ready to respond to His Call by completely entrusting themselves to His Will.

The Light of God has made you understand the secret of a happy life and I thank you for sharing it with us.

How different the world would be if we understood that it is not appearance that counts, but charity, faith and humility.

God bless you and Our Lady protect you with her love.

Ave Maria

Father Livio