Visionary surprised by Blessed Mother in March 25, 2019 apparition. “The Madonna came wearing golden clothes…The apparition was very short then she went away.”
SOURCE: Papaboys – Tranlated from Italian
In a radio interview: The latest message takes up the theme of Lent, says Father Livio. ‘Exactly’ the visionary Marija replies even though today, when it was the Feast of the Annunciation, I was expecting a message, let’s say a little more … festive!.

“The Madonna came wearing golden clothes, like when they have a big party in Paradise. The apparition was very short and she went away. I was surprised – The apparition lasted very little”.
The Queen of Peace rarely come dressed in Gold excpet on Christmas Day, SO Marija was very surpried by what she was wearing.
Let us reread this message together on Monday 25 March 2019
Dear children! This is a time of grace. As nature is renewed to new life, you are also invited to conversion. Make up your mind for God. Children, you are empty and you have no joy because you do not have God. Therefore, pray that prayer may be life for you. In nature, seek God who created you because nature speaks and fights for life and not for death. Wars reign in hearts and peoples because you have no peace and do not see, children, in your neighbor the brother. Therefore return to God and to prayer. Thank you for having responded to my call.