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Every day we are afflicted by so many concerns for our needs and in general for our lives. The money that is never enough, the work that is missing or scarce, what we want and that we can not afford, the desire for a more comfortable life. We have an inherent fear of the present, or even more, of the future. In our life we always miss something, we chase that something and once we get it, we start again looking for something else. We are chronic dissatisfied.
God guides all our life to the smallest detail, nothing escapes him, he watches over us 24 hours a day and does not leave us alone even for a moment. God sees and provides for our real needs, so we must rely on his Providence. His merciful love floods our life. He never forgets us, because he knows each of us deep within. We never doubt his presence at our side, we instead make an act of faith in his loving providence and we trust in him, even when we can not understand what happens to us. This is why Mary in one of her messages says:
I wish you to meet in church every Thursday to adore my Son Jesus. There, before the Blessed Sacrament, read again the sixth chapter of the Gospel according to Matthew from the point where it says: “No one can serve two masters …” (Mt 6, 24). If you can not come to church, reread that song in your homes. Every Thursday, moreover, each of you find a way to make some sacrifices: those who smoke do not smoke, those who drink alcohol abstain. Everyone renounces something he particularly likes.
(Extraordinary message of 29 February 1984)

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