Weeping Statue from Medjugorje .. Italian couple receive warnings and prophecies …Special Message June 23, 2020: “My little remnant will be persecuted; I weep over the young people who are far from God, I weep over unbaptized children and those who are growing up in the clutches of evil.”
The Statue from Medjugorje
A statue of the Madonna, from Medjugorje, began to cry in 2016.

Message June 23, 2020:
My children, thank you for being gathered in prayer and for having listened to my call in your hearts. My children, today I come as the Mother of Sorrows for my Church, because she [the Church] is living her Passion, and just like my Son Jesus, she has been left alone and scourged. My little remnant will be persecuted; I weep over the young people who are far from God, I weep over families destroyed, I weep over unbaptized children and those who are growing up in the clutches of evil, I weep over the Shepherds who have left my flock on their own, I weep over humanity that is going towards self-destruction. Please, my children, pray and console my immaculate heart and the Holy Heart of my Son, change your ways; if you want salvation, entrust everything to God. Now I leave you with my holy blessing, in the name of the Father and the Son and of the Holy Spirit, Amen.
Source: La Lucia di Maria:
The facts concern a husband and wife, Gisella and Gianni, owners of a figurine of the Madonna, coming from Medjugorje.
It seems that, since her entry into that family, Our Lady has begun to shed blood and to reveal some signs and omens to Signora Gisella.
Medjugorje – Trevignano: a voice was calling me
Everything happens, punctually, since 2016, every day 3rd of the month. Mrs Gisella gave an interview for Rai Uno, saying: “I was at home with my husband and I heard the voice calling me and she was saying to me” My daughter, my daughter “.”
Gisella had already knelt at that vision, which reassured her: “Don’t worry, your family will also feel my presence”, along with an intense scent of roses and bells.
It also seems that Signora Gisella had seen Aramaic writings appear on the walls of her house, as on her arm, and that other inexplicable facts had occurred in the village.
According to Ms. Gisella, the Madonna is trying to give an alarm : ” Warnings that the Madonna does to bring us closer to the faith and also invites us to respect nature. He also told me that there will be earthquakes and nuclear catastrophes: he told me that the volcanoes would start erupting, and that’s what’s happening, even if nobody says it ”. “The Amatrice earthquake had told me three days before August 24, 2016. The problem is that we should pray more and these horrible phenomena would be mitigated.”
The authorities in charge have not yet expressed their views on the persons described and their mystical nature.
That Our Lady would like humanity to return to faith is already a certain fact, as it is certain that man has been taking advantage of planet Earth for centuries, making himself guilty of generating environmental catastrophes, which could put the lives of many species at risk animals and plants, as well as the man himself.
Source: Antonella Sanicanti La Lucia di Maria
From Count Down to the Kingdom
Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy