Why Has Our Lady of Medjugorje Come?

Our Lady said, “Children, darkness reigns over the whole world. People are attracted by many things and they forget about the more important. Light won’t reign in the world until people accept Jesus, until they live His words, which is the Word of the Gospel.

Dear children, this is the reason for my presence among you for such a long time: to lead you on the path of Jesus. I want to save you and, through you, to save the whole world. Many people now live without faith; some don’t even want to hear about Jesus, but they still want peace and satisfaction! Children, here is the reason why I need your prayer: prayer is the only way to save the human race.

~The Blessed Virgin Mary to Visionaries at Medjugorje, Bosnia- Herzegovina, July 30, 1987.

Devotion linked to Medjugorje has been approved by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith in a Note about the Spiritual Experience connected with Medjugorje. 

Pope Francis approved the Note on August 28. It recognizes the goodness of the spiritual fruits linked to Medjugorje, authorizing the faithful to adhere to it – according to the new Norms for discerning these phenomena – since “many positive fruits have been noted in the midst of a spiritual experience, while negative and dangerous effects have not spread among the People of God.”

Visionary Mirjana Soldo told me, “It is good that you wrote your book not to scare people. This is important because a mother never scares her children or gives them reason to be afraid. She gives them hope and love.

Blessed Mary of Medjugorje does not come to cause fear of the future, but for love and peace in the future with her.

I will pray that your book gives people hope.”

Visionary Mirjana Soldo and I displaying my book,
Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets, after my interview at her home in Medjugorje.

 Mirjana told Father Petar, the designated recipient of Mirjana’s first secret, “I feel deeply sorry for [the unbelievers] and for the world. They have no idea what awaits them. If they can only take a tiny peek at the secrets, if they could see…they would convert in time. Still, Our Lady gave us God’s ten secrets. They may still convert. Certainly, God always forgives all those who genuinely convert.”

Testimony of Father Peter M. Fehlner, Author and Theologian

 The late Father Peter M. Fehlner, F.I. S.T.D., OFM Conv., Author and Theologian, was my spiritual director. He wrote,

“Once again Dan Lynch has given us a simple, clear presentation, this time on the much discussed and controverted apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje. His argumentation in favor of authenticity deserves a serious hearing. For the goals of Our Lady at Medjugorje touch not only local issues, but have worldwide implications and should be pondered in relation to previous apparitions of Mary, for instance, at Fatima and elsewhere.”

This article is from my book below:
Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How to Prepare
which also includes interviews of visionary Mirjana Soldo with
Father Tomislav Vlasic, Father Petar Ljubicic
and a long personal interview with Dan Lynch

My book, Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How to Prepare contains information from a personal interview that I had with visionary Mirjana on how to respond to Our Lady’s requests.

Mirjana told me, “The most important thing is to respond to her requests for conversion, faith, prayer and fasting and not to be fearful of any secrets.”

Please read my book, Medjugorje’s Ten Secrets: How to Prepare, based upon interviews by me and others with visionary Mirjana Soldo. Get ready for the secrets and learn about the urgency of the requests of Our Lady, Queen of Peace, and how to respond to them. Help her to bring the Triumph of Her Immaculate Heart and the New Era of Peace. Mary told Mirjana, “Be Ready.”

Father Petar, designated recipient of Mirjana’s first secret, said, “Everything is closer and closer. Never in the whole world has the situation been so sad and so bad. … Never in history have there been so many sinners and unbelievers. We are feeling that something has to happen very quickly. It cannot continue like this much longer. God has to do something very quickly!”

Watch and Listen to This Short Video by Dan on Why You Need to Read His Book.

Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.

To see Amazon’s Top Dan Lynch Titles for You Click HERE.

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