Alarm Bells: Coronavirus Spreading: GO TO CONFESSION!!! – Fr. Mark Goring – Panic buying hits NYC – Shoppers stock up on food and medical supplies

Panic buying hits New York City as anxious shoppers stock up on food and medical supplies after healthcare worker in her 30s becomes the Big Apple’s first confirmed coronavirus patient

  • Shoppers have been seen scrambling for groceries at supermarkets in Brooklyn and Queens in New York 
  • Social media videos have emerged of people panic buying at a Chinese supermarket in Flushing, Queens
  • Empty shelves were seen in grocery stores around New York amid fears of the spread of the coronavirus
  • New York had its first case of the virus confirmed on Sunday as the national cases hit 89 and two deaths
  • Two deaths confirmed in Kirkland, Washington, as patients at Life Care Center and EvergreenHealth hospital

    Panic buying has hit New York with anxious shoppers clearing supermarket shelves as they stock up on food and medical supplies after a woman became the state’s first confirmed coronavirus case.  

    People started stockpiling items from stores over the weekend as authorities confirmed on Sunday that a healthcare worker in her 30s had been diagnosed with coronavirus.

    The number of cases across the U.S. soared to 89 over the weekend with two confirmed deaths from the virus.  

    The two coronavirus-related deaths were confirmed in Washington state and included a resident at the Life Care Center nursing home and a patient at the EvergreenHealth hospital.

Comments on Fr. Goring’s video from You Tube

Josephine Nutritionist
Catholics should go to confession at least once a month, no matter what, even without the scare of a virus.
I see other virus that is spreading and it is contagious it’s a FEAR along with everything that is attached to it. Anxiety, hopelessness, numbness, apathy, anger. Well that’s how masses are being controlled. Don’t panic, Que será será and memento mori
We should to confession anyway. We are far more likely to die on any given day in a car accident than by some random virus. The sacrament is truly a gift and it is given to us for our healing, freedom and happiness. Thanks be to God!❤️
Detective Holmes
Maybe a quick talk on examination of conscious and the Virtues in preparation for Confession. Thanks Fr.
Lily Johnson
Fr: if you go to confession now and die afterwards, you’ll go straight to Heaven Me: I dunno… I’m not so sure about that.. I mean I believe in complete forgiveness (that one is Crystal clear), but what about reparation for sins committed? Those souls who go to Purgatory, it’s because they did not make complete reparation for their sins. I am sorry this is not a challenge Fr, but please can you clarify me on that point?
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K. w.
He probably just meant to emphasize that you won’t go to Hell and you’ll have the promise of Heaven after Purgatory.
Lily Johnson
@K. w. aahn… Okay I see… Then that’s so true. I kind of understood it directly. Thank you very much!!! Really.
jim fortaleza
Yeah he got too excited I think and forgot about purgatory. But Salvation is immediate in that case.
Lily Johnson
@jim fortaleza I mean I would too…? Thanks very kindly
cielo designs
I reflected on this for a few minutes afterwards. I don’t think that Fr. Mark was wrong in saying it, nor did he forget about purgatory either. I think of it in terms of what the remorseful thief said to Jesus during the crucifixion. He asked Jesus to remember him when Jesus goes into His Kingdom. Jesus saw that the man truly accepted Him as Son of God (remember the other criminal did not) and was sorry for his sins. In asking Jesus to remember him, he truly wanted to be with God. I think that is the sincerity of a true confession. It is Faith. It is the love of heaven that we should have in our hearts. This is why it is the straight path to heaven. *Ask and you shall receive*.
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Chris Gueli
Doesn’t to priest give you a penance to do as soon as you leave the confessional? I thought as long as you finish your penance, your good.
@K. w. Well, he DID say, “You go straight to Heaven.” The fact is you only go straight to Heaven if you have no temporal punishment due for sin.
Lily Johnson
@Chris Gueli yeah you are good and you obtain complete absolution and Mercy, but the sin committed was so offensive to The Divine Justice. You know what Justice is right? “You get what you deserve for breaking the Law” It’s reparation made to Divine Justice that makes us to go to Purgatory if we have not made reparations for those sins on this Earth. That is what purging means. So when you sin, know that you have so much more to do before being white and worthy of Heaven if you have to go directly (that is without passing through Purgatory). That’s how I understood it… What is Purgatory? “It is a place where souls suffer after death ON ACCOUNT of their sins. I dunno if I am clear
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