“Do not forget that you are travelers on the way toward eternity.” – The Queen of Peace
“Do not forget that you are travelers on the way toward eternity. …be real with yourselves and do not bind yourselves to material things but to God. And do not forget, little children, that your life is as passing as a flower.” The Queen of Peace
Medjugorje Visionary Ivanka Ivankovic-Elez at Medjugorje Youth Festival in 2001, spoke about meeting loved ones in the after-life. In a wonderful revelation to a surprised crowd at the Medjugorje Youth Festival, Ivanka told the spellbound audience:

Because every single human being is asking is there a life after this life on earth, I am standing before you here today, I am standing before the entire world and I can easily answer MaryImmaculate-heart-sunset that question. Yes, there is a life after this life, because by God and Our Lady I was given this great grace, that I was able to see my late ativan online
“There is life after this life” What a beautiful and simple way for visionaries to describe what happens after our time on earth comes to an end, but it is also a reminder that his life is not the end, and it is a reminder that this life on earth is part of an eternal journey.
Marija says
“And through the message that she gave us she said that our lives must be like a flower, and that we are here just in a passing way. Only eternal life does not pass. For that reason she urges us, and she asks us, to thi1nk more of the spiritual life and of paradise. She said our life will be very different; our attitude toward life will be very different, when we think of the life after this one. And she said we shall really, truly understand that this life is only passing like a flower, and that here we are in this world in a passing path.”