Fr. Gabriele Amorth, the former chief exorcist of the Vatican, was a great devotee of the Virgin Mary. He often spoke about her power and protection, and he believed that she was the greatest intercessor between God and humanity. 

The power comes from The Immaculate Conception which is the Catholic dogma that states that the Virgin Mary was conceived without original sin from the first instant of her conception. This means that she was free from the stain of sin that all humans inherit from Adam and Eve.

In one of his books, Fr. Amorth said that the Virgin Mary is “the most powerful being in the universe.” He said that she is “the Queen of Heaven and Earth,” and that she has “the power to defeat the devil.”

Fr. Amorth also said that the Virgin Mary is “a mother to all of us.” He said that she loves us unconditionally, and that she is always there to help us in our time of need. 


Here are 5 specific things that Fr. Amorth said about how the Virgin Mary protects us from the Devil

  • “The Virgin Mary is the most powerful being in the universe. She is the Queen of Heaven and Earth, and she has the power to defeat the devil.”
  • “The Virgin Mary is a mother to all of us. She loves us unconditionally, and she is always there to help us in our time of need.”
  • “The Virgin Mary is the greatest intercessor between God and humanity. She can bring our prayers to God, and she can help us to receive his grace.”
  • “The Virgin Mary is a powerful force for good in the world. She can protect us from evil, and she can help us to live holy lives.”
  • Mary was conceived without sin and She also the humblest of creatures which confounds the devil because he is the most prideful.

The devil’s fear of the Virgin Mary is rooted in her role as the mother of Jesus Christ. Jesus is seen as the savior of humanity, and his victory over death and sin is a threat to the devil’s power. The devil knows that if he can defeat Mary, he can also defeat Jesus.

However, the devil’s fear of the Virgin Mary is also based on her own inherent power. She is seen as a holy woman who is filled with the grace of God. Her prayers are said to be especially powerful, and she is often invoked for protection from evil.

The devil knows that he cannot defeat the Virgin Mary on his own. He can only hope to tempt her or trick her into sin. However, Mary is too pure and too wise to fall for his tricks. She is a powerful force for good in the world, and the devil knows that she will always be a threat to his power.

Here are some specific examples of why the devil is afraid of the Virgin Mary:

  • In the Bible, the devil is said to have been cast out of heaven for his pride. He is a fallen angel who is filled with hatred and anger. Mary, on the other hand, is the epitome of humility and purity. She is the only human being who has ever been sinless, and she is loved by God. The devil knows that he cannot stand against her goodness.
  • The devil is also afraid of Mary because she is the mother of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Son of God, and he came to Earth to defeat sin and death. The devil knows that if he can defeat Mary, he can also defeat Jesus. However, Mary is a powerful intercessor, and she always prays for her children. The devil knows that he cannot overcome her prayers.
  • Finally, the devil is afraid of Mary because she is a symbol of hope. She is the woman who gave birth to the savior of the world, and she is the one who will lead us to heaven. The devil knows that Mary’s power is growing, and he fears that one day she will defeat him completely.

Fr. Amorth’s words about the Virgin Mary are a reminder of her great power and love. She is a powerful intercessor who can help us in our time of need. She is also a mother to all of us, and she loves us unconditionally. We can always turn to her for help and guidance.