Jesus King Enables Grandmother toAttend Her Grandson’s Wedding

Below is a letter that I received from a Guardian who recently hosted the Visitation Image of Jesus King of All Nations:

I received the Visitation Image of Jesus King of All Nations on Wednesday, July 10th.

My mom is 90 years old and is bed bound in Hospice care. My parish priest had already given my mom the Anointing of the Sick.

The nurse aide had been bathing her in bed. When the Image of Jesus King of All Nations arrived, my mom took a healthy turn for the better!

I had made arrangements for someone to take care of her during my son’s wedding on Saturday, July 13th. 

Shortly after the arrival of the Image, mom said that she wanted to go to the wedding. I said, “Mom if you eat better and try to gain your strength back, I think you can go.” I asked her nurse about this when she arrived the next day on Thursday, July 11th.

When I went to Mass on Friday, July 12th, I told my parish priest that mom wanted to attend the wedding. Father was surprised that she wanted to attend.

However, Jesus gave mom the strength to take her bath on Thursday in the shower, instead of the bed, and she continued that on Friday and Saturday and even attended the wedding!

Please help us to continue the mission of Jesus, King of All Nations, to bring the recognition of His Reign on earth by hosting a Visitation of His Image. With your help, we will be able to continue our evangelization efforts – taking the Visitation Image of Jesus, King of All Nations, into parishes and cities throughout our great nation.

Buy your book HERE.

Why Should You Buy My Book?

We are living in the end-times, but not at the end of the world. It is a time when God will once again enter into history through signs, miracles, warnings, and chastisements.

These will make the reality of God and His truth self-evident for all souls and give humanity an opportunity to choose between the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan. My book will teach you how to choose well.

These events will happen through the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the Triumph of her Immaculate Heart—the sinful world will be purified. The Church itself will be purified and renewed. Those who repent, convert, and survive the chastisements (the remnant) will live in the Era of Peace. “When the storm has swept by, the wicked are gone, but the righteous stand firm forever.” (Proverbs 10:25).

Jesus King of All Nations gave revelations to His “Secretary”, the mystic of His Devotion. His revelations are contained in the book I Will Sing of Mercy: The Journal of the Secretary of the Jesus King of All Nations Devotion, commonly called The Journal. To obtain a copy of The Journal, please click HERE, and for all of my other books, please click HERE.

Below are the citations to some of those revelations from The Journal with their paragraph numbers.

  • Your pride blinds you to your God. Pride blinds! They think they see and know the truth, but what they perceive is smoke, it is all falsehood. Wake up, my children! I offer you the very light of life! The most pure and radiant light who is truth! I myself AM the light of truth and the truth of light! (Journal 265).
  • Awake! Lift up your heads, my people! Do you not see the signs all around you?! A great catastrophe is about to befall you! (Journal 664). Great is the chastisement that is ready to descend upon this sinful world to correct the consciences of individuals and the conscience of mankind as a whole! (Journal 366).
  • Wake up, my people! Come to the foot of my throne to receive mercy, peace, and forgiveness. Come to receive protection from what is soon to come upon the world. (December 10, 2021).
  • My children, dear children, do not despair. There is always hope. (Journal 319). I have told you of the remedy. That of the public practice of my Devotion and veneration of my Image. (Journal 671).
  • A Great Renewal of my Holy Church, of Mankind and, indeed, of All Creation will follow the cleansing action of my justice. How greatly I love my people! It is for your good, O mankind, that I allow my justice to be poured out in order to awaken your conscience and correct your sinful behavior. Yet you see how dearly I love you in that I continually warn you and even seek to comfort you in the pain of the cleansing which is almost upon you. (Journal 414).
  • Embrace my Devotion of Jesus King of All Nations for it is a great mercy given by your God for these most perilous times. Yours is the choice. I leave you free to accept or reject both my admonition and my gift. (Journal 376, 379).

Listen to Dan talk about chastisements in this short interview on the Drew Mariani Show on Relevant Radio beginning at minute 37.

Dan Lynch is the Director of Dan Lynch Apostolates promoting devotion to Our Lady of Guadalupe, Jesus King of All Nations, Our Lady of America and St. John Paul II. He is an author, public speaker and a former judge and lawyer in Vermont. He has appeared many times on radio and television and has spoken at conferences throughout the world. You may learn more about Dan HERE.

To see Amazon’s Top Dan Lynch Titles for You Click HERE.

For more information about hosting The Visitation Image of Jesus, King of All Nations, please click HERE.

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