Little known story – When Medjugorje visionary, Vicka, met St. Peter in Heaven
How was St. Peter?
Saint Peter? How was he? – It was how he was on earth! – I mean? – About sixty, seventy years old, not very tall but not even small, with a little curly gray hair, quite stocky … – Didn’t he open it for you? – No Gospa opened by itself without a key. She told me it was Saint Peter, he didn’t say anything, we just said goodbye. – Didn’t he seem surprised to see you? – No because? You understand, we were with the Gospa. – Vicka describes the scene as if she was talking about a walk made not later than yesterday, with the family, around. She feels no barrier between “things up there” and those down here. Shee is perfectly at ease among these realities and is even surprised by some of my questions. Strangely, she does not realize that her experience represents a treasure for humanity and that the language of heaven so familiar to her opens a window on a completely different world for our current society, for us who are “non-visionaries”
Blessed Mother comes at 1 minute 17 seconds..
Question: “Vicka, tell us about Heaven
Vicka: “Heaven is a vast space, and it has a brilliant light which does not leave it. It is a life which we do not know here on earth. We saw people dressed in gray, pink, and yellow robes. They were walking, praying, and singing. Small angels were flying above them. The Blessed Mother showed us how happy these people are.
Question: How could you tell they were happy?
Vicka: “You can see it on their faces. But it is impossible to describe with words the great happiness I saw in Heaven…In Paradise, when the Blessed Mother passed, everybody responded to Her, and She to them. There was a recognition between them…They were standing there communicating with Her, like in a tunnel, only it wasn’t exactly like a tunnel, but a tunnel is the closest comparison. People were praying, they were singing, they were looking…People in Heaven know the absolute fullness of a created being.
The Gospa explained everything to us. ” See how happy they are. They don’t miss anything! “- – Vicka can you describe to me this happiness that the blessed live in heaven? – – No I can not describe it, because on earth there are no words to say it. I felt this happiness of the elect, too. I can’t tell you about it, I can only live it in my heart. ” Didn’t you feel like staying up there and never coming back to earth?” – – Yup! she answers with a smile. But you must not think only of yourself! You know our greatest happiness is to make the Gospa happy. We know she wants to keep us on earth for some time to bring her messages. It is a great joy to share her messages! As long as she needs me, I’m ready! When she wants to take me with her I will be ready anyway! It’s her project, not mine …

Question: “How long were you there?
Vicka: “Maybe twenty minutes.
Question: “…Did the people talk to you?
Vicka: “It was very unusual. They were speaking, but I could not understand them…The people were in small groups. I was with Jakov and the Blessed Mother. We spoke to each other, but there was no communication with anyone else. About the people there, the Blessed Mother only said to us, ‘You see how people who are in Heaven are happy?’
In heaven
“Up there?” – I asked Vicka, – but how did you get there? – As soon as we said yes, the roof opened and we were up there! – – Did you leave with your body? – – Yes, as we are now! The Gospa took Jakov with his left hand and me with his right hand and we left with her. First she showed us heaven. – – Have you entered the sky so easily? – – But no! – Vicka told me – we entered the door. – A door like? – – Mah! A normal door! We saw Saint Peter near the door and the Gospa opened the door
How was St. Peter?
Saint Peter? How was he? – It was how he was on earth! – I mean? – About sixty, seventy years old, not very tall but not even small, with a little curly gray hair, quite stocky … – Didn’t he open it for you? – No Gospa opened by itself without a key. She told me it was Saint Peter, he didn’t say anything, we just said goodbye. – Didn’t he seem surprised to see you? – No because? You understand, we were with the Gospa. – Vicka describes the scene as if she was talking about a walk made not later than yesterday, with the family, around. She feels no barrier between “things up there” and those down here. Shee is perfectly at ease among these realities and is even surprised by some of my questions. Strangely, she does not realize that her experience represents a treasure for humanity and that the language of heaven so familiar to her opens a window on a completely different world for our current society, for us who are “non-visionaries”