This month of Mary, October, is full of signs of both chaos and grace. Reverend Richard Lagos runs the Word of the Day page on the Facebook social network, where he evangelizes more than 80,000 followers.
On Monday, he published a powerful testimony and photos that he took early in the morning before dawn at the French shrine of Our Lady of Lourdes , where the Virgin Mary appeared to St. Bernardica as the Immaculate Conception and where the spring of water originated, and which heals the sick. It is about one of the most famous apparitions of Our Lady and shrines in the world.
As Father Lagos wrote, he was not the only witness to this wonderful vision in heaven, there were other people who witnessed the form of Our Lady in heaven, which gives shining rays of grace to the earth.

This is the testimony of Father Richard Lagos which he published on October 23 at dawn:
“Since yesterday we have been here in Lourdes, France. Yesterday we had mass in the basilica and last night we joined the procession with the prayer of the rosary. This morning I wanted to go to the cave early but I felt so lazy to get up because it was very cold.
But I pushed myself, washed my face and got ready to go. I reached the cave before 7am and it was still dark. A group of French pilgrims were celebrating mass when I arrived.
I prayed the holy rosary behind, ten meters from the last pew. From that position I had the best view of the grotto with Our Lady resplendent in white because of the light touching the image. While praying the rosary, I told Our Lady that I am here, her priest, and that I am asking for intercession. I asked for five gifts as I prayed the five joyful mysteries of the rosary.
As I looked at her figure, it seemed to me that she had come to life and was moving. But I was skeptical, as always.
The cave radiated a light that I cannot explain.
However, I finished praying the rosary when the mass was over. I tried to get closer to the cave and prayed, sat in silence and looked at the image of Our Lady with such love and wonder. I prayed for all the intentions I carried with me at the beginning of this pilgrimage.
After the prayer, I decided to go back to the hotel for breakfast. It was already 7:33 am but still dark.
The inexplicable sight of Our Lady in heaven in the Lourdes sanctuary
I passed by the square of the basilica where there is an image of Our Lady on a high pedestal. I took her picture. There I also found some pilgrims, a couple and then another woman who seems to be from Korea.
Then the woman and her husband showed me the sky, saying: “Look! Look at! Can you see her?”
When I looked up, I was so amazed at what I saw. It was a kind of inexplicable phenomenon that lasted for several minutes. I told her: “Yes! I see clearly!”