Many ask us: is this the time of the Anti-Christ? Fear nothing and take the armor of God!

Faced with confusion and disorientation, which threatens so many brothers for the rise of “authoritative” voices that disapprove of their spiritual conversion experience (think Medjugorje) , due to the multiple interventions of Mary, we must preserve peace, together with prudence . Even if an “official” mocking climate, and, in the best case of commiseration, often accompanies those who believe in Mary’s interventions, we must be calm and do not doubt, because what brings us to God and renews our life can only be work of God.


We know that “scandals must occur” and that “the brother will bring death to the brother”, but we do not stop being small, knowing that the Gospel commands us to become children, ceasing to believe that we are adults to get out of it.

The most important thing we can do is to commit ourselves totally to prayer and sacrifice for the sanctification of the Church. The more we are willing to do this, the sooner the dawning aurora will clear the darkness. This darkness is part of the time of the Antichrist, in which – according to the words of Jesus – “even the best can be deceived”. There are situations that even the elect can face only “if the days of the trial will be shortened”. Prayer and fasting are the only means to drive out the devil from the Church. They are available to each of you.

CONDEMN OR CORRECT? We must make enlightenment to many fringes of devotees, who sin by anachronism or easy mysticism or devotionism, so that they conform to the Church’s sentiment, to feeling – to understand us biblical and liturgical and accept it docilely, under the guidance of pastors who ” God has set up the church of God “. And what can be done in groups, when there is a priest or a person who has experience of church, while it is easy for people, although of good will, when they are abandoned to themselves, to be exposed to every spirit, and not instead to the spirit of the Gospel, to which Mary always carries.


“DO NOT DISPUTE SOME OF THESE SMALL”. But at the same time the prophetic charism of the little ones and the simple ones is not despised in the Church, because “the mysteries of the kingdom of God are revealed to them”: the induced ones rise up and kidnap the kingdom God! (St. Bonaventure). We pray for the shepherds, more taken by the evil one, so that they may be over the parts, “made models of the flock, not masterminds over the inheritance entrusted to them” (1 Peter 5). And do not take the most comfortable path of pleasing to those who have a voice in the chapter or who press in the sense of current fashion; and do not give up discernment, which will make them discover genuine forces of the church. We fear for those who assume disbelieving attitudes, because they are too confident in their own rationality. 

No one resists today without Mary, who knows the plots and tactics of the adversary and who can bear his head, as mother of the Church. Humility is the only vaccine against all temptation. We are all immersed in temptations, even if we do not realize it. We need the humility that gives us the grace to see them and the strength to not succumb. Thank God we have before us the example of pastors, who shine for a farsighted and full of understanding behavior, which will certainly not leave them disappointed. 

PRAYER GROUPS: WELCOME AND USE THEM. Accept therefore, orientate, use prayer groups, do not oppose them. Often their adherents are confused with those restless devotees, who run from one seer to another in search of the prodigious.Prayer groups are proposing a path of sanctification, and they translate in practice the evangelical teaching of “praying without ever getting tired”: they are the lymph of the body. They are a great gift for our communities, because they continue the prayer of intercession of Jesus to the Father. They should not be hindered because they may not be active in pastoral directives. There are those who work and there are those who pray and make the work fruitful. It is not everyone’s understanding and operating in the same way. The Church is made up above all of little ones who do not “despise” and “do not scandalize” with positions that deny their particular charism. TO.

Source: Eco of Medjugorje nr.58