March 18, 2021 SPECIAL MESSAGE from Our Lady to Mirjana “Maternally I invite you to return to the joy and truth of the Gospel. To return to the love of my Son, since He awaits you with open arms.”
Today, March 18, 2021, on the Mirjana’s birthday, the Blessed Virgin Mary gave a new message to Medjugorje…
“Dear children! Maternally I invite you to return to the joy and truth of the Gospel. To return to the love of my Son, since He awaits you with open arms. So that everything you do in life you do with my Son, with love . So that you are blessed. So that your spirituality is internal, and not just external. Only in this way will you be humble, generous, filled with love and joyful. And my maternal heart will rejoice with you. Thank you.”
Why is March 18th so important?
Our Lady on December 25, 1982, communicated to Mirjana, the end of her daily apparitions. Here is an excerpt from that message: “ Mirjana, I chose you and I told you what was necessary . I have also revealed many terrible things to you that you will have to take with you. Think of these tears that I too shed. You will always have to be brave. You quickly understood my messages and therefore now you must also understand that I must go. Be brave ”.
From that day on, she would only appear to her on March 18th, for the rest of her life. The peculiarity of this date is that it coincides with the seer’s birthday. But this is not the reason for the annual apparition of the Virgin. The reason will be known only when the secrets of Medjugorje are anxious to fulfill .
After almost 5 years, on August 2, 1987, Mirjana began to have the apparitions of the 2nd of the month which, as the seer herself stated, were of a temporary nature and would last as long as Our Lady deemed it appropriate for Her project. And they ended on March 2, 2020. The peculiarity of these apparitions was the invitation of Our Lady to pray for conversions, especially for those who have not known the love of God. An intention to which the visionary Mirjana and we are all still called, regardless of the end of the 2 month events.

That was quite an uninspiring message! If our lady was appearing wouldn’t she say something more interesting?
It was actually a beautiful message and very inspiring. Have faith and you will see how our Lady is trying to help humanity. Only through prayer and faith in God can our hearts be transformed into Love ❤️