Medjugorje: Ivan testifies: “I want to tell you what the Madonna wants” July 6, 2019

Speaking to a crowd of faithful, priests and bishops present in Medjugorje , Ivan Dragicevic once again witnessed the message of the Queen of Peace saying that the most important thing for Our Lady is peace . All the messages on the conversion of love towards others are a way to induce the faithful to undertake the journey desired for them by Jesus Christ and therefore to reach eternal bliss, but they are also things we can do through which we can help make peace among men.


Our Lady’s desire is to see each other in peace

The visionary begins the conference by saying that in many years the messages touched by Our Lady were numerous and the messages shared with the faithful were numerous. To talk about everyone, in short, it would take days, but what presses Ivan is to transmit the most important desire of the Queen of Peace , or the achievement of serenity between men and the end of every conflict: “Our Lady comes to we as our Mother and says: ‘Dear children, I come to you because I want to help you.I come to you because My Son Jesus sends me.Then he says three times: ‘Peace, peace, only peace’. ‘Dear children, peace must reign among men and God and among men themselves’. From these first messages we notice what is the greatest desire of Our Lady. It is peace “.

This, continues Ivan, because for the Madonna there are no differences between men, nor reasons for entering into conflict, all peoples are equal and all people are her children. The path to peace, however, is undermined by the crisis of faith that is experienced in this period and which presages a future society without God.

If this happened, says Our Lady, there will never be peace among peoples, never a future society in which everything is finally fair and just. In one of the messages delivered to Ivan, in fact, he says: “Dear children, this humanity desires to meet the future without God. Dear children, today prayer has disappeared from your families”.

But a future without God is a future without inner peace and consequently a future of war and in fact in another message Our Lady says: “Dear children, if there is no peace in the heart of man, if man does not he is at peace with himself, if there is no peace in the family, dear children, there can not be peace in the world “.

Luca Scapatello


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