Medjugorje May 17, 2019: Lastest message of Our Lady to Ivan: “Pray for my plans for the world that I wish to achieve with my coming”
Dear friends, this is what Ivan communicated about the apparition he had tonight, Friday 17 May 2019, at the Blue Cross at 10:00 pm
“Even today, as every day after the meeting with Our Lady, I would like to approach and describe to you what is more important than tonight’s meeting. Even today Our Lady came to us very joyful and happy. She greeted us all with his motherly greeting: “Praised be Jesus, my dear children!”

Then she stretched out her hands here and prayed over us all, prayed especially about all of you who are sick.

Then she said: “Dear children, also today I call you in a special way: pray for my intentions, for my plans for the world that I wish to achieve with my coming. Pray especially for pastors, for the Church, for the strong faith of priests.Thank you, dear children, for having responded to my call today. “
Then Our Lady blessed us with her motherly blessing and blessed everything you brought for being blessed. As always, even today I have recommended all of you: your needs, your intentions, your families.
Then Our Lady prayed for a period of time especially for peace in families. Then she left in prayer, in the sign of light and of the cross, with the greeting: “Go in peace, my dear children!” ».
Ivan Dragicevic was born on 5/25/65 to Bijacovic, has been married to Laureen Murphy since 1994 and has four children.The intention entrusted to him by the Virgin is to pray for the young and priests.
His life changed after the little Madonna appeared to him as a teenager: he was 6/24/1981 he was only 16 years old.
He was a shy boy, introverted and taciturn, but thanks to this experience, he manages to overcome shyness, bringing his testimony all over the world.
Ivan travels a lot to talk about his extraordinary experiences.Today he divides his life between Boston and Medjugorje where he can meet him between May and September, when he often offers his testimony around 8 am in the Parish.
He has daily appearances wherever he is and has received nine secrets. At home, his family participates in the apparitions, reciting the S. Rosario while waiting and praying. At the end Ivan tells them what Our Lady said and did.
Thank you for sharing. I am a firm believer in our God. Our mother in Heaven is asking us to pray , then we all should pray.
Thank You Dear Mother for the Love of Your Son and You.
I am also a firm believer. These Marion apparitions have played a big role in my life. We should be obedient to Jesus mother.
Why secrets? Specially as we see destruction all over the world and yet none of the visionaries have mentioned the evil happening arou nd us. Iam catholic but as time moves forward these apparitions are leaving us doubting and frustrated instead of hopeful. Why secrets? Our God has given us the answers in his holy word THE BIBLE. Therefore read your bibles fellow catholics!!!!!
God has got many secrets and you don’t know the time or place. I wouldn’t also tell Holy Mary to appear or not. Fatima, Lourdes and other places are confirmed by Church. Also one of the message of Mary is to read the Bible daily. So why so many distrust and judging of Her wishes and style. Let Her be Herself and do things God asked Her to do. True mother does not sit somewhere and say you have enough. She cares. God bless.
This is not the virgin communicating, this is the devil transformed as an angel of light. There is no secrets with the LORD that is why He left us His word. Seek the kingdom of heaven. Not some men visions and lies of the devil.
Glory to you God for sending our holy Mother to bring us message through Ivan. I’m a strong believer and I’m going to answer to the last comment. If would be the devil in form of an light Angel he would not asked to pray for peace on the contrary. God bless all!
To Lillian and Sandra
I’m not sure if you are familiar with Fatima, but our lady gave three secrets, to the three children. And the secrets have not been completely told. So you say Jesus doesn’t have secrets, how many times in the Bible, Sandra, does Jesus tell somebody not to tell what has happened, or healings. So you might want to go back and read your Bible .. God is God! He can do anything! For Jesus said with God all things are possible! So he can have his mother come in up here telling people to pray and fast. I don’t know why people think that’s such a impossible task. And lastly, the conversions , The prayers, how with the devil win with these good fruits. Doesn’t make any sense to me. As Jesus says if the tree bears good fruit, it’s from the father.
For those who do not believe in Our Blessed Mother and messages. In time you will believe. Our Heavenly Father chose this Beautiful, pure, heavenly perfection , Immaculate woman for His Mother. Our Lord was brought into the world through Our Blessed Mother and Jesus, His Most Holy SACRED HEART will reign through Her Most Holy Immaculate Heart. Our Blessed Mother is in the center of The Most Holy Blessed Trinity. The devil and his co-hosts kneel before Her and Our Blessed Mother – as depicted with our Lady of Guadalupe will crush his head. He fears and hates her and the children that love Her and claim Her as their Mother of Our Lord Jesus Christ. Heavenly Mother is Spouse of the Holy Spirit and Our Heavenly Fathers Daughter. Our LORD’s mother. Nothing is impossible with our Heavenly Father – The blessed Trinity.
These messages are Our mothers way. The devil shrieks when She appears. Holy Mother I love and thank you.
I love you, Our Lady of Peace, Rosary & Sorrows. Lead us to your Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ. Peace to our sinful, undeserving world. Amen