Medjugorje: “Satan is strong and wants to destroy not only human life but also nature and the planet on which you live. Already only the rosary can do miracles in the world and in your life” November 18, 2019
Roberto Lauri
October 21, 2018
“Satan is strong and wants to destroy not only human life but also nature and the planet on which you live. “if you want, grab the rosary; already only the rosary can make miracles in the world and in your life “.
In the message of January 25, 1991, Our Lady in Medjugorje, invited the world to prayer, especially to the prayer of the Rosary:
“Dear children! Today, as never before, I call you to prayer.May your prayer be a prayer for peace.
Satan is strong and wants to destroy not only human life but also the nature and planet on which you live.
Therefore, dear children, pray to be protected through prayer with the blessing of God’s peace.
God has sent me among you to help you.
If you want, grab the Rosary; already only the Rosary can do miracles in the world and in your life.
I bless you and stay with you until God wants it.
Thank you because you will not betray my presence here.
Thank you because your answer serves good and peace.
Thank you for answering my call! “
The Rosary has a long tradition in the Church
The Rosary has a long tradition in the Church. The structure of the prayer of the Rosary, as we know it today, begins with the publication (between 1410 and 1439) of the pamphlet:“Rosary of our dear Madonna and how it began” . The author, Domenico Hèlion of Prussia, a Carthusian monk from Cologne, proposed to unite the fifty Hail Marys with the meditation of the Gospel mysteries, recalling them at the end of the first part of each Hail Mary, with a brief reference phrase (the so-called “clauses” ). Because of this “discovery” that was based on the analogous practice of the “Psalter of our Lord Jesus Christ” with the 150 declarations of faith on Jesus, the Carthusian monk can be recognized as the “father” of the Rosary. A very wise “father” who knew how to write in his pamphlet the advice that seems to be given by a pastor of today, for example: “We should not worry so much about the words used here and there, in the statement of meditation points. Each one can, according to his abilities and according to the devotion he feels, prolong, shorten or even modify matter: both in one way and another. This depends on the time available and the conditions in which it is located. One could hardly do something better during the “little hour” consecrated to this Rosary “.

Of the clauses suggested by Domenico Hèlion, 14 concerned the birth, infancy and life in Nazareth of Jesus, 6 public life, 24 passion and death, 6 the glorification of Christ and Mary his mother. Contemporary of Dominic of Prussia was the Dominican Alano de la Roche (1428-1478) who proposed the recital of the 150th Ave with the meditation of the mysteries, divided into three groups: mysteries of the incarnation, mysteries of the passion and death of Christ, mysteries of glorification of Christ and of Mary. It is the structure that has remained unchanged until today. In its current structure, the Rosary is about 500 years old, but the “Psalter of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, from which it was born, has much older origins. Since the century XII had the habit, for the illiterate monks, of replacing the recitation of the 150 psalms of the biblical psalter with the recital of 150 Ave Maria, divided into three fifties, with expiry in the hours of the liturgy of the hours. This “divine cantilena”, as Dante calls it, was soon used also by lay devotees who thus joined the official prayer of the monks. Source: for the part of the story of the rosary Gianni Sangalli sdb, da