Medjugorje, messages from the Queen of Peace on Lent. On Saturday pray like this

We have collected here below  some significant messages of Our Lady regarding the period of Lent


Message of February 28, 1985  (Message given to the prayer group)

Since we are in Lent and you are already introduced to the spiritual examination, it is good that you examine yourself and your life a little. I have already told you that on Saturdays during Lent you pray the painful mysteries of the rosary.  You will pray to him as I will tell you tonight. Pray the Creed first. Then the ejaculation “O my Jesus, forgive our sins …”.  So announce the mystery and meditate in this way. At the first mystery, pray for yourselves,  each one for himself, and reflect on your life, trying to grasp what must be changed in you so that Jesus can sweat less because of your sins. 

In the second mystery, pray for the person close to you with whom you think you are living this Lenten season spiritually  and meditate to find what you can do together so that Jesus may be less scourged because of the sins that are committed in your environment. 

At the third mystery, pray for your family  and reflect on what you can do and change in your family so that Jesus may suffer less from the painful crowning of thorns caused by the sins of families today. 

At the fourth mystery, pray for your parish  and meditate on what you can do as a parish community to be able to take some of the sufferings and the cross of Jesus and thus participate with him in the salvation of the world. 

In the fifth mystery, pray for all humanity  and meditate on what you can do so that there are fewer sins in the world and the sign of the cross, on which Jesus died, be lifted up and recognized by all as a sign of salvation.



Message of February 8, 1989  (Extraordinary Message)

Dear children! For this Lent that begins today, I ask you to put into practice  four things: to resume living my messages, to read the Bible more, to offer more prayers according to my intentions and to make more sacrifices, even planning some details.  I am with you and I accompany you with my blessing.

Message of March 18, 2006  (Extraordinary message given to Mirjana)

Dear children! In this Lenten season I invite you to interior renunciation.