Message from Our Lady to Gisella “My Jesus is coming and justice will be done.”
Message from Our Lady to Gisella – January 14, 2024
Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer. My children, evil is rampant on earth. Believers and nonbelievers alike are discouraged, and yet, still they do not repent, do not ask forgiveness for their sins. My children, but do you not see that war is upon you?
Do you not see the confusion that has been created to this humanity? Yet, you do not convert and ask God for mercy and forgiveness. I see so many hard hearts. Much falsehood and hypocrisy in this humanity–from the rulers all the way to within the Church. I ask you: convert now!
Even technology has been used for evil and not for good. Children, my Jesus is coming and justice will be done. All the false and slanderers against those who fear God will be punished painfully. But those who will be in faith, following the Commandments and the Word of God, will be preserved and kept under my Blessed Mantle.
Now I leave you with my motherly blessing, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit.

It all began in March 2016, but we firmly believe that the real beginning coincides with our consecration to marriage.
Extraordinary signs and manifestations have marked our hearts. A statuette purchased in Medjugorje depicting the Queen of Peace shed tears of water and blood. A painting of the Divine Mercy purchased in St. Peter’s Square, wept the blood and water of the Mercy of Jesus.
With the first apparition of the Holy Virgin our lives changed.
She showed us the way and a mission to accomplish: to carry forward her plans for conversions and the return to the Our Father.
Now the Holy Virgin appears during the recitation of the Holy Rosary and beyond. She leaves messages of conversion and preparation for events that will affect humanity. We have collected and transcribed them from the beginning. Our Immaculate Mother asked that they be disclosed so that everyone can meditate and redeem themselves before the end of time. We have a mission dictated by the plans of the Holy Virgin and no one can hinder this path.
Meditate and pray a lot with your heart wherever you are, for the salvation of all the souls of the world.
Gianni and Gisella