I really enjoy your website, mysticpost.com. Thank you for all your efforts. I can only imagine how difficult it is to put together and maintain something like this.
I wanted to share a grace that I received from our Blessed Mother. I am 60 years old and traveled to Medjugorje twice in 1989.
On April 22, 2022, I was sitting by my garage behind my house praying the Most Holy Rosary. It was a beautiful day as you can see from the picture.
It was a very breezy day. The wind was blowing very strongly from the south, which is right to left in the picture. I was watching the clouds move swiftly in front of me for over an hour as I prayed.
I then noticed a cloud coming out of the distance from the far left of the antenna in the picture. I did not think much of it.
Then, I noticed that it was moving from left to right against the wind.
I became really intrigued by how it could be moving in the opposite direction from the rest of the clouds on such a windy day.
Then, as the cloud passed the antenna, moving to the right, Our Lady appeared and began walking across the sky.
I was mesmerized. She was much more clear in detail to me than the picture displays.
I sat in awe and appreciation. It took me 2 or 3 minutes before I even thought about taking a picture, by that time Her image had begun to fade somewhat.
Attached is the picture I finally took.
Although I have received a lifetime of graces from Her, this one felt so special.
I know She is with me all the time.